- Check "NEW" to see if anyone else posted the same thing you're about to relay. This should be obvious. If someone has posted what you are about it, and they're missing info that you have, get in the comments on their post and share.
It's important to focus all of our attention on a topic into as few posts/threads as possible. More eyes on to share vital info, or even to "debunk" certain things to ensure we're not spreading bullshit.
- The title is very important. Above all, make sure it's grammatically correct, proofread it and read it out loud. Make sure it sounds intriguing.
It should be a synopsis of the content of your post, an elevator pitch of sorts. Try to condense as much information about your topic into as few words as your possibly can.
Instead of saying "I saw a tweet about how Trump has been quiet since the inauguration and how that's unlike him" say something like "Trump's silence is out of character, thoughts?"
Also, try not to use vague titles. (Unless it's a Pepe) Don't say "I'm just gonna leave this here" or "Did anyone else see this?" See what? leave what?
Who, what, when, where, why, and how?
- If it's a text post, try to have a cohesive flow to the info you're presenting. Act like you're submitting this as a work email, or an assignment in school. Not because we're gonna grade you, but because it's easier for us to read, absorb, contribute to and discuss.
Like the title, use proper grammar and proper English. Download Grammarly and write it out in that app first, or install their extension into your browser if possible, makes a huge difference.
- ABOVE ALL, PROVIDE SOURCES. In the top left corner of the text box, there are four icons. The B is for bold text, I is for italics, " to quote something and the chain link is to insert a link by creating a hyperlink out of a word instead of entering a long URL.
If you don't have a source, say so. Ask for it, see if someone can provide it.
This is how we foster all of our understandings of what's going on at the moment. I'm not trying to be a Nazi here, it just gets frustrating browsing new seeing so much garbage, clicking on crap posts, going back, scrolling.
Clean it up!