Steve was just on Alex Jones last week swearing up and down 100% Trump was taking everyone down & remaining the president, and he told Alex he could ban him from the show and never be on again if he was wrong. He was ridiculously confident.
Now he is saying that "serious threats on the lives of many CLOSE family members" may have led to a military op fail on 1/20. If true.. I can't believe how awful I feel.
Steve was just on Alex Jones last week swearing up and down 100% Trump was taking everyone down & remaining the president, and he told Alex he could ban him from the show and never be on again if he was wrong. He was ridiculously confident. Now he is saying that "serious threats on the lives of many CLOSE family members" may have led to a military op fail on 1/20. If true.. I can't believe how awful I feel.
Steve has been nothing but inconsistent.
Where do you think you are