What do you think it means? MonkeyWerx was a complete downer this afternoon. Says no one is getting arrested and the the head of the snake is just going to be put back on (his words). He sounded like things were bad. Anyone else hearing anything like the whole operation has been scuttled?
He had said he needed to cool it until after the 20th on about the 15th. He had one on this morning and was fairly neutral. But this afternoons was a major bummer.
You will never see real milops This is a hobby site just to see training fun stuff
I go to check the red planes. ?
What do you think it means? MonkeyWerx was a complete downer this afternoon. Says no one is getting arrested and the the head of the snake is just going to be put back on (his words). He sounded like things were bad. Anyone else hearing anything like the whole operation has been scuttled?
do trust that he knows who he says he knows And his “intel” Is legit, I don’t js
Didn't see monkey today. He was probably told to cool it. Only explanation for anyone's "about-faces" lately.
He had said he needed to cool it until after the 20th on about the 15th. He had one on this morning and was fairly neutral. But this afternoons was a major bummer.
Not abnormal
I know theres a 0% chance the plan would be to carpet bomb the senate but a man can dream.
There is usually one or two up... nothing unusual.
Apache over Seattle
That one has been cruising around off and on for a week or so.
There are(were -the ss one stopped transponding) 2 up.
A 3rd bird up now.
V22 in San Diego?
2nd V22 over Albuquerque
Canadian C30 now in El Salvador. Departed from FL.
Is that anything strange? Dont know anything about planes.
He was jamming
Did I say anything about anything? No.