I am not totally convinced of this. The shoe change could just be a shoe change. His granddaughters disappearing from the shot could be easily explained by change of angle/focal length. Not ruling this out but I feel like we are reaching with these theories of fake inauguration and fake oval office.
No, you are reaching by trying to claim the first lady changed her shoes on a direct and televized live walk from the car to the inauguration. The burden of proof is on you now.
Live walk? She is wearing tan shoes when she first walks into the Capitol. We see her again about 45 minutes later walking out to the ceremony in different colored shoes.
I am not totally convinced of this. The shoe change could just be a shoe change. His granddaughters disappearing from the shot could be easily explained by change of angle/focal length. Not ruling this out but I feel like we are reaching with these theories of fake inauguration and fake oval office.
No, you are reaching by trying to claim the first lady changed her shoes on a direct and televized live walk from the car to the inauguration. The burden of proof is on you now.
Live walk? She is wearing tan shoes when she first walks into the Capitol. We see her again about 45 minutes later walking out to the ceremony in different colored shoes.