I'm no expert, but how does a site redirect to your own site without you playing a hand in it? So someone went rogue and took the old domain and left it as a redirect to the new page?
ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️

I think what happen is that the mod team wanted a more equal ownership of the domain rather then just one person owning it (new domain is spit 24/24/24/24/4 which 4 is for a tie breaker).
Mod team got uneasy of the owner so they made they new domain patriots.win. They (mod team) then update the site to the redirect (the old domain before taken down had been replaced with text saying like "dont worry we are moving" and had a button to go to the new domain). Mod team had access to make changes to the website but had no ownership over the domain.
Owner of old domain gets upset (owner didn't want to give up any part of the ownership so the rest of the team left him and made their own site) seeing the redirect and takes down the domain.
The highlighted message is referring to if the original owner can understand why the rest of the team left him and decides to use that domain to redirect to the new domain (accept that not giving over ownership was wrong).
At first I thought the switch was weird (didn't really like thedonald.win till the reddit subreddit got shut down then things started to be better) but not having control of a big website where one person could back stab the rest of the team is dangerous.