0 NEW Q DROP!!!!! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by trumplostcrymorelol 4 years ago by trumplostcrymorelol +5 / -15 70 comments download share 70 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Have you made a new name to come back and further defend a pedophile who takes advantage of little girls?
Still can't wait to hear why it's okay with you that your president touches little girls against their will.
Cool what's your proof? I can link to videos, you got videos? Or do you just have the words of a person who hates Trump that you take as Gospel?
Still waiting for you to deny that the man you voted for isn't a pedophile.
Here I'll go first. Trump isn't a pedophile Joe Biden is
You won't see it if you don't look for it. Here is an unedited one so you don't think it's weird camera angles. The man is a danger to children, and you happily support him
Shame on you