TD.W changed their name apparently because of a rogue moderator that owned the domain name had a disagreement with the other mods, I guess? No mention of who the 'rogue' mod was because the remaining mods wanted to protect their identity, but the mod in question is probably the same dude that went on Adamcast. I say it was this dude that had the falling out because he says he owns the domain to TD.W, and I read something in the forums over there some moderators felt the 'rogue' mod was speaking on the behalf of the mod team, and no one asked him to represent them.
Take all of this with a gain of salt. This is just the gist from what I gathered from all of it. Does matter anyway. unforchunately both boards (esp TD) are becoming toxic from normies, trolls, and glowies.
Yeah, well, they get a lot of exposure and its a weird time. Its one thing to disagree with someone and exchange ideas, its another to go out of your way to a message board to mine salt, and I think that's what they're trying prevent there.
/r/The_Donald and TD.W used to be just one giant meme parade and everyone got along. Now, all they do is fight over there and its hard to tell whos shilling, being a normie glowie, etc. because they're emotional and lost sight of the mission. I've been attacked for sticking up for Q researchers, trying to tell everyone to stay calm, and recollect themselves. I get called a qfaggot, retard, shill, basically everything in the book from those people.. lmao. They forget that we're all on the same team, and the glowies are doing a good job at sewing division over there.
I see this board is starting to get infected with the same bullshit. People going out of their way, just to mine salt.
Can just avoid it all together. The only reason this site survives is the community is focused on telling people to expand their research. Humans are curious and nothing can stop what is coming. wwg1wga
I'm not affiliated with the TD mods so I can't speak for them, but I'd prefer to trust the mods who actually host the site and the code than the one who happened to own the domain.
TD.W changed their name apparently because of a rogue moderator that owned the domain name had a disagreement with the other mods, I guess? No mention of who the 'rogue' mod was because the remaining mods wanted to protect their identity, but the mod in question is probably the same dude that went on Adamcast. I say it was this dude that had the falling out because he says he owns the domain to TD.W, and I read something in the forums over there some moderators felt the 'rogue' mod was speaking on the behalf of the mod team, and no one asked him to represent them.
Take all of this with a gain of salt. This is just the gist from what I gathered from all of it. Does matter anyway. unforchunately both boards (esp TD) are becoming toxic from normies, trolls, and glowies.
every single time i see a mod rescheme change/takeover it always ends in libtardum. The same thing happened on reddit and discord.
They always end up limiting freespeech and saying its for the good of the community.
Yeah, well, they get a lot of exposure and its a weird time. Its one thing to disagree with someone and exchange ideas, its another to go out of your way to a message board to mine salt, and I think that's what they're trying prevent there.
/r/The_Donald and TD.W used to be just one giant meme parade and everyone got along. Now, all they do is fight over there and its hard to tell whos shilling, being a normie glowie, etc. because they're emotional and lost sight of the mission. I've been attacked for sticking up for Q researchers, trying to tell everyone to stay calm, and recollect themselves. I get called a qfaggot, retard, shill, basically everything in the book from those people.. lmao. They forget that we're all on the same team, and the glowies are doing a good job at sewing division over there.
I see this board is starting to get infected with the same bullshit. People going out of their way, just to mine salt.
Can just avoid it all together. The only reason this site survives is the community is focused on telling people to expand their research. Humans are curious and nothing can stop what is coming. wwg1wga
I encourage you to read the stickied posts over there about it.
until you slowly libtard us like drudge did. How exactly is the guy who registered not a patriot?
I'm not affiliated with the TD mods so I can't speak for them, but I'd prefer to trust the mods who actually host the site and the code than the one who happened to own the domain.
Are you aware of what happened? Or just dont know and are pushing s9me strange theory?
are you aware of what happened? Do you know these people personally? What happened to Drudge?
So you are pushing a theory. Out with it.