Coronavirus’ are roughly 0.1 micrometers (1/1000th the width of a hair.)
*Surgical and cloth masks, bandanas, etc. are NOT prophylactic with viruses.
*Properly fitted N95 masks block down to .3 micrometers.
*A surgical mask blocks breath particle/droplets down to 100 micrometers, possibly stoping large droplets from people coughing with evident symptoms, but would not stop the flow of aerosolized airborne particles.
In other words, the holes/pores in the masks are 30 times wider then the virus they are supposed to catch.
A study published in the journal Cancer Discovery finds that lung cancer progresses when the lungs are forced to regurgitate microbes. Prolonged mask use creates a moist environment that cultivates microbes.
This toxic environment not only forces the person to regurgitate their own wastes, but also inundates the lungs with microbes that cause a toxic environment that feeds lung cancer.
2300 years ago, long before Islam, Arabs discovered forcing people to cover their nose and mouths, broke their will and individuality, and depersonalized them. It made them submissive and why they imposed mandatory face covering on every woman. Eventually a symbol of submission to authority.
Modern psychology: Without a face we don’t exist as independent being.
The child looks in the mirror between the ages of two and three and is discovered as an independent being. The mask is the beginning of deleting individuality. Symbolic “shame” when covering one’s face.
I have put out a series of post called Red Pill AMMO for the war on the CV-19 LIE - and each one is a short breakdown of the false flag, where it came from, about vaccines, masks, etc. and at the end, resistance.
Just click on my name, the submitted, down a bit in the list. Feel free to copy any of it if you want.
It’s 12 degrees outside in Chicago and people wearing masks can see their breath. So there is your scientific proof masks don’t work.
Coronavirus’ are roughly 0.1 micrometers (1/1000th the width of a hair.)
*Surgical and cloth masks, bandanas, etc. are NOT prophylactic with viruses. *Properly fitted N95 masks block down to .3 micrometers. *A surgical mask blocks breath particle/droplets down to 100 micrometers, possibly stoping large droplets from people coughing with evident symptoms, but would not stop the flow of aerosolized airborne particles.
In other words, the holes/pores in the masks are 30 times wider then the virus they are supposed to catch.
A study published in the journal Cancer Discovery finds that lung cancer progresses when the lungs are forced to regurgitate microbes. Prolonged mask use creates a moist environment that cultivates microbes.
This toxic environment not only forces the person to regurgitate their own wastes, but also inundates the lungs with microbes that cause a toxic environment that feeds lung cancer.
2300 years ago, long before Islam, Arabs discovered forcing people to cover their nose and mouths, broke their will and individuality, and depersonalized them. It made them submissive and why they imposed mandatory face covering on every woman. Eventually a symbol of submission to authority.
Modern psychology: Without a face we don’t exist as independent being. The child looks in the mirror between the ages of two and three and is discovered as an independent being. The mask is the beginning of deleting individuality. Symbolic “shame” when covering one’s face.
I have put out a series of post called Red Pill AMMO for the war on the CV-19 LIE - and each one is a short breakdown of the false flag, where it came from, about vaccines, masks, etc. and at the end, resistance.
Just click on my name, the submitted, down a bit in the list. Feel free to copy any of it if you want.