So many people distancing themselves from Q right now. Why? Because they care more about the opinion of man than they do about the Truth.
Before long, though, they will all come crawling back and pretend they never left. I despise a brown nose. I'd rather have a sworn enemy than a two-faced friend.
I'm still here, Q. Still with ya, Mr. President
I'm still here as a believer with a dose of skepticism creeping in lately. I don't go real deep in Q research, but I've seen enough and researched enough of other worldly topics to believe there is no way the CIA would use this method to psyop unexpecting citizens. "Let's inform the world of crimes of the elite and make everyday people into researchers, so we can make them complacent and refrain from attacking those same elite that pay our wages". Makes no sense as a psyop. Now we don't know the complete association of Q to the military/Trump, but it is definitely on our side. You gotta believe its most likely a psyop on the elite. Make us informed researchers and drip a little disinfo to steer the elite's counter moves. Brilliant really.