My fellow patriots!
We are just beginning to fight back against our current dictator potato. I told people I would be making this post at this time, but have since learned that I won't need to take up the mantle of organization - be on the watch for the .win developers to put out new .win communities for each state and local area! Please, connect with your state and get organized when that happens!
To see the other .win communities, you can visit - you guessed it, When the local pages are made, they will show up there!
Way to go fren. Been pushing this for a while now...
THIS is the beginning of the chance to form a strong RESISTANCE to the controllers, not an end understand…
There are a LOT of issues to deal with:
The UN Agenda 21&2030; UN Wildlife Project; The Georgia Guidestones, etc. all have the same goal...a highly reduced population under 24/7 track, trace, and data basing in 5G SMART cities, no private vehicles, no access to the country side, and a total dependency to the "state" for life, water, electricity, etc.
It is up to us to start acting locally, meeting up with others and going to ANY meetings, board or city/county council, that deal with land and water use, anything "sustainable," socialist school agendas, etc. Use the skills you have…organizing, writing, IT work, etc.
Because of the nature of the opposition, we should be working in a hierarchy of "teams". If we centralize our organization, they just compromize that central roster and F us all over. If we operate under a hierarchy of semi-autonomous cells, using different communications and tactics, we can avoid mass censorship, compromises in technology (don't want the whole thing with Parler to happen again), and operate even under communications blackouts.
To be clear, not saying operating with the intent of violence. There is a metric ton we can and should do with peaceful means, but we still need to operate in cells as they WILL be employing every means they can of taking us down.
This is the sort of thing I have been suggesting, the idea that we have to work locally and offering the skills we have. A general meeting place like here or even a new .win like the resistance or something.
I don't know what the construction of the .win's are about but it would be significant to have mods that could immediately remove any shills, etc. to attempt to maintain a more higher level of communictation and not just nonsense posting and adolescent behavior.
A place for adults no matter what their age.