PLEASE newcomers stop littering this site with useless non Q related garbage and low effort posts please use TDW for that type of stuff leave this place for SERIOUS verified posts. (And please just check /new before posting)
If you’re new to Q chill the fuck out with the posts if you have questions search through old posts or the stickied discussions ask away in there. Let long time Anons have a voice we need them to guide us right now we are practically blind without them. Most of the posts we are seeing mean nothing at all there aren’t codes in every single tweet and every single thing on tv is not fake just relax we literally can’t even find quality posts anymore.
Let’s not turn this place into a mental asylum that’s what the shills are here for. (auto-DEPORT and ignore the shills fuck them)
Since Q hasn't been heard from in what, 50 days or so, people really don't have the opportunity to discuss any new drops.
Indeed some of the stuff is nonsense, but in the bigger picture, the Q team, IMO, seemed to want to wake people up to use their dormant critical thinking skills and research ability.
So if some are doing a lot of research now on tangential subjects shouldn't we be compassionate enough to not freak out about it??
I just put up a post asking for obvious signs of post from frens world wide since there was MILLIONS of us at one point, and asking how they are doing things and some ideas from them. Just sayin...
Fucking this, lol.
Not sure what you are saying??
That means I was agreeing with what you said.
Thanks, just too old here to learn yet another language :-))