The longer they drag it out, the less sense it makes. Why not just get on with the mass arrests now (should have been done before Biden got sworn in).
I'm hearing that the military is still being commanded by Trump behind the scenes and I saw some people say the mass arrests will happen in March now.
But it doesn't make sense to me why the wait? Why not just get on it with it? I can't think of any advantage to letting this play out longer and let Biden continue to damage the country even more.
If a plan is all ready and prepared to do the mass arrests, there's no strategic value in waiting. In fact, the longer you wait the more chances there are for things to go wrong or for the enemy to figure out the plan.
Read the sidebar.
Do not mistake silence for mercy or inaction. This is a classified military op, but it's also paramount to understand that EVERYTHING needs to be done by the book, hence the 11.3 marker activating the other day.
Serious question, if nothing happens this year, will you still believe in a plan?
What makes people so confident that there is a plan at all? If its such a classified and secret military op, how come random people on the internet are 100% sure of it, but the elite, super-powerful and rich deep state cabal aren't?
I was assured the arrests would happen before Biden would be able to take power. Because Q said "those who control the Presidency control the land" (paraphrasing). You would think anti-communists would not want communism to take hold at all.
In fact, the longer they wait, the more its going to look like a "coup" to the average American person because it begins to normalize Biden and his regime so I could argue its more dangerous to the safety and well-being to the people the longer they wait. Also the longer they wait, the more damage Biden's actions do to people. 60,000+ already lost their jobs because of him.
they don't understand because they're not smart enough. sure most of them don't have an IQ over 100, which is one reason Q calls them STUPID. many of the true autists/dedicated anons are geniuses with IQs over 140, there is NO way the low IQ swamp dwellers can outsmart the true Q followers. That's how we found Q in the first place, patterns and questions led us to fringe forums where Q knew to hang out. wouldn't doubt if Q set up some of those forums to get us used to the idea. I've personally been on conspiracy sites for over 20 years, and I know many from QRV had similar stories. we like to read, where the sheeple don't...
They think this all started with Trump.