posted ago by Cowfarts ago by Cowfarts +16 / -0

I've been giving a lot of thought to this since people started pointing out the oddities and inconsistencies in the videos and "live" feeds of Biden's presidency thus far.

I know the popular opinion is that the good guys are forcing the deep state to put on a show at a remote location, but I had been wondering if it was maybe something more sinister (and stupid) on the dems' part.

Stay with me for a second - the Deep State had planned on installing Biden from the start. However, Biden was unravelling faster than the election was approaching. They knew he was going to be a gibbering, slobbering mess by the time he took office.

So the entire time he was "hiding" instead of campaigning, they had him on a movie set, filming all/most of his televised appearances ahead of time so he would seem halfway competant. That way, they thought they'd be able to ram through as many EO's as possible in Biden's name until the public had cooled off enough from having their electoral process hijacked to have him step down and install President Harris.

In that case, we'd literally be watching a movie for as long as this presidency plays out - the deep state's movie. Joe might be dead already for all we know.