posted ago by Angel0980 ago by Angel0980 +21 / -0

Think for a second.

President Trump allowed the Republicans to blow themselves up, why would he not allow the dems and the fake news media to do the same?

Enjoy the show-enjoy watching them bring themselves down. Since the beginning we have been watching a show.

I realized that the criminals do things that are so obvious and even when the plan is failing they still carry on as if they will succeed. Hilarious to watch but curious also. Typically people stop when they are caught-these people behave as if there is a plan they are following and must stick to regardless of what happens and what is revealed. They are not allowed to deviate from said plan. It has been literally everything that they have tried to do.

Liars have to be the ones to expose the lie..

We all clearly understand what communism is and what they have planned for us right? Now the remaining democrats must realize it as well.

Also in regards to Q as an old time researcher many of the crimes committed we already knew about and have been trying to shed light on for a lonnnnnng time-I think Q is a valid information source as the information (including this) has been spot on. But you don’t need Q because you already know...

People have speculated about the bolsheviks playbook, what they have used for evil, I will use for good right?

You guys are very smart. You are able to discern truth from lies.Trust yourselves.