It’s gonna come to a shock for a lot of people but Flynn was biggest deep state plant from day 1. When people realize he was behind everything and sabotaged the entire movement they will lose their minds , page , papadopolous , were all ds agents who were chosen because of their russian connections. it’s real , they we’re colluding not because they are part of trumps camp but because they are all democrat operatives who came in for that purpose . Kikibirdjr explains this thoroughly read entire thread , u will understand. It’s better if u leave , read it , come back and finish reading the rest of what I have to say..... imo They were all promised pardons as long as they Stuck the plan all the way through. Above all Flynn’s brother ordered the guard to stand down allowing the “insurrection “ to happen. They could have prevented it , they were part of the plan to let everyone in . As far as Russian hoax , They were in on it. In the next coming years they will all escape Scott free and we will watch them destroy trump and his whole family . If u still believe Flynn is on ur side then go see what Ezra Cohen just said about u a guys . I’m not surprised now a high ranking general would step out of character to do a cringeworthy wwg1wga swearing around a camp fire. These people are highly paid intelligence officers and are there for reasons beyond ur thinking comprehension Make no mistake there is no plan , don , Eric and ivanka were crying their ass off on the tarmac and there’s footage of it everywhere if u haven’t seen it , warning if ur like me , this is heartbreaking to watch. If u seen it and still think there is a plan then I can’t help u. This is coming from a fully recovered hopium addict. Joe is not signing blank orders The windows are not shorter Paintings don’t mean anything He’s in our white house Those were actually bibles they swore on It didn’t show 11 hours earlier in Spain Cars can park behind the Oval Office The military take orders they don’t take sides. Trump lost the military . Yes we will see anomalies because people are still fighting within the government we have hope in that aspect maybe they will fight and dissolve their selves who knows what the pentagon is trying to achieve with this order blockage Simon parkes , Charles ward , Peter peiczenik, mike lindell are all certified frauds. Who exploit people for subscribers and views and monetary gain. Parkes thinks his mom is a 9ft lizard. It’s embarrassing what they have done to this movement . But I won’t stop there, everyone played a part. Even Linwood. They all lied on purpose. And a lot of them seem to have one thing in common that they were democrats their whole life . Even Flynn. Pompeo: “trump will have a smooth transition” Also in on it . (I know ur mad , trust me I already lost my mind over this) Pay attention he was doing this so we don’t riot . He was calming us down . He is a genius . He made us stand down till the 20th. Because otherwise an uprising was coming which is the only thing that could have stopped their plan , this is why pompeo has no explanation to what he meant by that and why he sailed off into the distance smoothly with out having to even answer questions to any of us . “Bye guys i’m archiving” . Have a good life. They stopped us , but the amazing thing is now we know what the plan is : it’s us showing up in numbers , it’s always been . So the next for years they will use the internet to stop us from that , it’s the only thing they can do , the house senate and all that shit are irrelevant . Trust THAT if anything. We know now. They know we know now . But If they( pompeo Ezra,Flynn,) cared they would have held a press con and talked to us . We were played . But it’s ok will get everyone back it’s not the end of the world ...yet at least. Here’s the part that’s gonna piss u off because I’ve never been a q believer i just been red pilled since I was a kid , I read 1984 when I was 15 years old and that was in the late 90’s . So I support the ambition a lot of researchers have cuz i’m knee deep in this crap now with over 20 years research , but the whole trust the plan shit is pretty fuckin evil tbh and it seems there’s no end to it like covid restrictions lol. PAY ATTENTION everyone that said trust the plan never told us to organize which is the only power we have. Period . It’s known through out time it’s the only thing that works . Courts don’t . And military kill their own citizens if their told too. Stop being fanboys u see where that got u all with the cops . Just like the one general told pelosi “if trump asks me to attack his supporters I will” nobody answers to us but us. And That’s why They all just told us to chill out. The one time we went out , we put the fear of god in their hearts like stakes . Including the republicans and all our so called allies as u saw every one of them said “ it was a disgrace” u still think their larping , their not. They mean it , they all hate us. Everyone played trump . But here’s the final kicker , this part is really gonna piss u off . In the next coming month all that’s really left for us is too find out if trump was really in on this whole thing also . U see the main thing that convinced us that trump wouldn’t possibly give up is because we all knew in our hearts they would kill him and his whole family , so it all made sense . Think about it , what was the one thing we all said ...(no wayyy he will commit suicide like that ) we prayed for him we were worried sick through out the whole presidency. But what if that was the larp . ? The fact we believed that and reality is nobody will ever touch trump or his family. Let put it to u like this , at this point if they don’t kill him , he was never on our side either . Soak this up , because if u ignore it now ur gonna remember this and be angry as fuck . Stop telling us to move the goal posts , let’s really get to work the only thing we have going for us is the fact that for the first time ever the swamp is on display for the world , that means something . Wether trump was gonna save us or not , all I have to do is look at Eric trumps face crying as his dad left to let me know there’s no plan . If it turns out to be us one day in the corner by ourselves just remember , the dream doesn’t die. If trump left a ticking Timebomb for them and something happens where the government collapses then good! But we have to be ready this time incase it won’t happen , which is the most likely scenario at this point ! Wake up. Time to really organize . Mods if u knew what was best for us u would sticky this . No more doomer and shill accusations time to organize as adults!
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I read the comments before the OP, thanks Anons ye saved me some time.
Ur a moron then , get educated or ur gonna look as stupid as these clowns next month