National Guard MISTREATED by our "leaders." Told to move to a cold parking garage.
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Mods have CLEARLY spelled out the rules. SEARCH the frigging board first before posting. This has been covered already ad naseum here. This is not Fukbook and its childish "hit Like button" shit.
Mate I'm not gonna scroll through the whole website just to post something. You don't have to open any posts that you've already seen. So, tell me, why'd you open my post if you already saw it from someone else? Just to complain about something?
To explains the RULES of the board to you. Use the frigging SEARCH function/box, and if you are still clueless, then may do not post and clutter the board. Also, a RULE by mods. A big stickie for that.
Learn not to just read, but actually comprehend what's written. Mate...