80+ million votes say otherwise. This is laughable. The attack or protest on the house started before Trump finished. Known and documented antifa were first in some evidence is showing that they may have been inside prior to.
Yeah, he fired or had all of these people removed from government, all of the heads of FBI, DOJ , Pentagon, EPA, FCC, ETC. Prevented people from getting their pensions. Removed us from the Paris accords. Bankrupted and destroyed China’s middle class and grip on American manufacturing. Gave us 1.30 a gallon gas and peace in the Middle East. This argument is the weakest I’ve seen yet. I could keep going but then I’d be doing your work for you
80+ million votes say otherwise. This is laughable. The attack or protest on the house started before Trump finished. Known and documented antifa were first in some evidence is showing that they may have been inside prior to.
Yeah, he fired or had all of these people removed from government, all of the heads of FBI, DOJ , Pentagon, EPA, FCC, ETC. Prevented people from getting their pensions. Removed us from the Paris accords. Bankrupted and destroyed China’s middle class and grip on American manufacturing. Gave us 1.30 a gallon gas and peace in the Middle East. This argument is the weakest I’ve seen yet. I could keep going but then I’d be doing your work for you