noted. But a lot of decent Trump supporters have probably never been in a position to be arrested before and were probably just saying they were there to support Tlrump
Let's hope that the wheat will get separated from the chaff and the "innocent" will just get away with a stern warning not to enter into federal property at "inappropriate" times....
I hope that is true, it sounds like the DOJ wanted that but the left is out for blood.
We all know the capital break in was a set up. My fear is that it will turn out to have been a highly successful operation in more ways than we realize.
Be careful of you you label "Trump supporter"....
noted. But a lot of decent Trump supporters have probably never been in a position to be arrested before and were probably just saying they were there to support Tlrump
Let's hope that the wheat will get separated from the chaff and the "innocent" will just get away with a stern warning not to enter into federal property at "inappropriate" times....
I hope that is true, it sounds like the DOJ wanted that but the left is out for blood.
We all know the capital break in was a set up. My fear is that it will turn out to have been a highly successful operation in more ways than we realize.