"Find the reflection inside the castle" Pics of Biden "OO" from Google Image search "biden oval office":
...and others. Clearly, the strong rectangular light reflections on the windows aren't from street lights, but match studio lights from a film set. For some reflections and angles you can make out the black parallelogram around it, which matches the casing of a studio light.
Edit: obvious in this one zoom in for the black rectangles above the rectangular light reflections in the right window
this is interesting but if it is a studio why isnt he in the WH? his EOs are showing up in the federal register
inaug was filmed 2-3 times at the rehersals...... they announced them cancelled as a diversion against protestors etc....
once they spliced up the footage they had what they needed... 20th might have been nothing at all live....
explains the low energy vibe and clinton nodding off.....