Biden just installed his deep state Sec of Defense yesterday. Can anyone answer how the military is going to save us when Lloyd Austin is now calling the shots? I'm not military and I'm not being snarky. This is a legitimate question that kept me up all night. Thank you in advance for your thoughts.
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Same concerns here.... I was in the military for 20 years, I have plenty of experience in military planning, both strategic and contingency.... and practically speaking, THIS is what concerns me the most right now. It's an abstract thought to just believe that the military is in control and has a plan..... but the reality is, if there is indeed a plan and it is military controlled, MANY more than 10 people must know the plan. There must already be very specific orders written and extensive OPORD/FRAGORD/CONOPS created and distributed. Such a huge undertaking is not only completely foreign to ANY military planning precedent, but certainly would not take place in a vacuum. If there is in fact a real new Secdef, I will say conclusively, there is NO WAY the military is in control of the government or planning any kind of "takeover" without his finding out about it. The only way for any of these theories to be still possible is if the newly appointed secdef is part of an act or display.
Thank you for your service and educated opinion.