MITT ROMNEYS - mormon religion! Yes it’s a cult and yes he wants to destroy America!
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I have one question… Has any one person in this thread watched the video? If you have, then get back to me with some dialogue if you haven’t, then don’t bother me with your comments! Until you watch the video, you will not be able to understand what my concerns are.
I have. The narrative on this video is full of half truths and twists facts to suit its purpose to push further disinformation via means such as yourself.
It's human nature to "attack" anything one doesn't understand. Imagine taking a BIC lighter back to 1692... They would call it witchcraft and burn you at the stake. Is it witchcraft? to you no because you understand it; to them, yes because they don't. This is exactly what you are doing - going of half-cocked to slander an entire religion with what appears to be extremely limited information.
As a partial outsider looking in, I saw nothing that raises any concern whatsoever. Some handshakes and phrases repeated. Ooh, ahh apparently that means they want to destroy America? As Xiden would say "Come on, man". That couldn't be farther from the truth.
Mormon's are taught to have standards, morals and to be good people; to obey the law of the land and ENCOURAGED to seek out other forms of religions and make a decision for THEMSELVES on which they want to believe; kinda similar to the theory of "Q". That sounds about like the opposite of any cult I've ever heard of.
As far as the acts and phrases used in the video, they apparently have some meaning to those in the know. As you appear to not be in the know it would seem you're attacking the religion based on emotion not logical thinking. The same exact thing could be said about the Salem Witch Trials, etc. Lots of things have "special meanings" in everyday life - a handshake, a military salute, etc. to the people who know about the underlying meaning and reference it serves its purpose. To someone who doesn't know it would seem strange and mysterious.
I would highly suggest you gather facts and ask questions of anything someone claims before making accusations as heavy as these, it's just sad your first instinct is to attack instead of trying to understand - reminiscent of the far left and sheep who believe what they're told/read/watch "Orange man bad", without any logical thinking.
If you want to judge the "Mormon" religion, go right ahead and do it based off of what you know or can prove. My recommendation is to do so after gathering facts and logically thinking about it as to not come off as unintelligent.
Also, if a "special handshake" makes people believe they need to be a better [good] person, what's wrong with that?
Nothing written was intended to attack, disparage, belittle, etc you in any way.
I am not attacking the Mormon religion, and I stated that in my update on my post. I thought I made it clear, that I felt like there are many people in the Mormon religion who love God, and probably know nothing about this stuff. My statements are merely my interpretation of what’s happening in the video. Yes, secret societies with secret handshake and secret knowledge is generally wear cults start! And what’s with all the bulls underneath baptismal baptismal. I’ve never seen that in any church. This is my personal opinion, I am not attacking anybody’s religion, I’m just posting this for people to make their own choice with their own minds of what they think about it! I didn’t expect to have so many people I think it’s a personal attack on them when it’s not! This community, supposed to be a place where people can share ideas, and allow for other people to make up their own mind and decide what they think about something. If there something about a post that somebody doesn’t like, they can comment on it, or they can MoveOn. I don’t agree with everything that is placed on this platform, but I usually just move on instead of getting involved in it. Yes there are times when I do comment on things, but my intent was not to disparage anyone. And I made that clear updating my original post. I have studied other religions, including Mormonism! Along with many others, and also was involved with Satanists before I became saved as a Christian. Perhaps I view the video from a different point of you because of my past and knowing what people are capable of, and the deception of Satan! The Bible does say he can even come as an angel of light! I’ve always taken the time to speak with people who come to my door who are Mormon or Jehovah’s Witness, but once I tell them Jesus is God they usually leave. There were some Mormon missionary, three girls that used to come to my house! I noticed they were knocking on somebody else’s door and it was super hot, so I gave them bottles of water. They would stop by from time to time and we will discuss our beliefs together. I never disrespected them, and they actually showed up the day after my husband died at the age of 30. It was A divine appointment! And greatly appreciated! So I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression that I am attacking somebody else is religion, that was not my intention. I love the Lord, and I do not judge other people based on their religion! I am not God, and I don’t know peoples hearts, only God does! Whether somebody goes to heaven or not, it’s based on God‘s relationship with them, and their heart! I never tell anybody that they’re going to hell, because they don’t believe the way I do! Gods word says Every man will have an opportunity to know who he is, and make a decision to except him! I do not judge on how that knowledge is passed along! Not everyone is going to meet a missionary, perhaps in aborigine may never read the Bible! But that doesn’t mean that God can’t reach out to that human being in his own way. That being said, based on my experiences, and reviewing that video - I felt it would be OK to post it here, to make people aware. Each and every person can make their own decision on what they want to think about it. I’m not forcing anybody to agree with me. So thank you for taking your time, and commenting on this post. God bless you and have a great day. Also, I use an iPhone with Siri, and she generally changes my words and my punctuation after I’m done crafting a post. If something doesn’t look right, just blame Siri!
As I stated it wasn't my intention to attack, etc you at all and I understand your intentions more clearly now. I was raised in the religion so my views may be somewhat biased and I'll be the first to admit I don't necessarily agree with everything that is taught.
Experiencing the religion in my childhood and having nothing but positive experiences only to have people accuse the religion of being a cult with incomplete information/opinions based on rumors, ill will, etc hits home and saddens me. i.e. your title - It immediately put me on the defensive due to my past.
People are entitled to their own opinions and I have nothing against that and actually encourage it. Some things aren't for everyone as we're all unique.
As another anon stated I do feel that Romney is either an extremely misinformed/misled sheep, or DS and some of his beliefs/political beliefs/stances do not represent my opinion of the Mormon church and/or their teachings.
With that said, I 100% support the first amendment and people becoming informed and have no issues that you created this thread. I may not like the title re: the cult statement, but thats my opinion/feelings.
Like you said, thanks for your time and response. God bless and have a great day as well.
Gods Speed PEDE! See you when we get up there! ?