Wikipedia says, the president is the commander-in-chief, if I understand correctly, he delegates to the secretary of defense, who commands the military.
This certainly sounds like there is nothing the military can (legally) do against the president. They basically have to obey him.
Is there a legal way for the military to disobey? Have there been any precedences of the military going against the president, apart from outright coup?
If you are hoping the military will disregard Biden’s orders than you don’t understand who is really President. Putting aside the confusing issues of The United States of America/THE UNITED STATES INC. president Trump has instituted a national state of emergency which means he must remain POTUS till after the emergency ends. President Trump is at the new or temporary White House. Check out Amazing Polly on YouTube or Bitchute and Santa surfing is great too. Check out rumor mill news and operation disclosure. Sorry I can’t add links.
I know all these theories, but since so much fake news goes around on all sides at the moment, I want to refrain from believing them until I stumble over hard evidence.
Facts, One thing I do know if for some reason the military does not act. We are in big trouble already and they haven't been in office for a week, I can only imagine what 4 years would look like.