posted ago by sukebandeka ago by sukebandeka +9 / -0

General Flynn is pushing Sidney Powell's PAC Restore the Republic.

Dear Patriots, We THANK YOU for your support.

“Today we are proud to announce the formation of Restore the Republic PAC, which will be dedicated to supporting candidates who will fight vigorously for our Constitutional rights, freedom of speech, and the sacred right of free and fair elections,” said Restore the Republic PAC Founder Sidney Powell.

“The PAC will promote candidates who fight for truth and the Rule of Law, and we will strenuously oppose any candidate who discards the Constitution for his own short term or political gain—regardless of her party. Eighty million people were just disenfranchised by the inauguration of a President not elected by lawful votes. The Democrats abandoned their base and the Republicans betrayed theirs.

Join this new endeavor co-founded by Mike Lindell and Joe Flynn at”

Eighty million people were just disenfranchised by the inauguration of a President not elected by lawful votes.

Restore The Republic PAC is for Non-Partisan Government Corruption, Federal Litigation, Education, and Constitutional Issues Vital to Maintaining the Republic.

The Democrats today have released a bill which they will be pushing forward, since they have the majority in every brand now, thanks to the corrupt election, that will allow them to completely destroy the foundations of voting forever.

A PAC like this doesn't make sense. It serves no purpose. It's a figurative pissing in the wind. It combined with Trump's actions, Patrick Bryne's latest grift to sell his new book and proposing of a "Patriot Party" when elections were.fucking.rigged and no one DID anything about it, just seem.... very, very strange. They also demonstrate nothing but weakness.

So, what the fuck is going on? Why are everyone's actions so obtuse, out of place and a complete 360 to before?

Trump walks away. Powell, Lindell and Flynn push this PAC that will have no standing whatsoever.

They're smart people and they KNOW that. They know this is nothing more than hot air.

What's the intention behind this? Is it a grift to blow smoke up everyone's ass and look like they're still doing something?

Is it a noble (yet so mind blowingly low IQ) attempt to "fight" however they can?

Or is it just distraction, disinfo and dis-action?

None of it makes any sense.