I'm confident in the theory the military brought in Trump at some point, it wasn't originally his plan, but he adopted it in some form or another, and has been on board ever since. I remember talk of a military coup back in 2009.
Boys and girls, you have to remember, the idea of America Corp. is not new, it has been around since it happened (1800s something). I remember my parents telling me about this back in the 80s/90s, well before "sovereign" people were manipulating the system to get out of paying taxes or speeding tickets.
Well before Q there have been people red pilling as fast as they could, it was just word of mouth. When the Internet went widespread, it took a while for the "cooks and weirdos" to get on board.
I'm a firm believer of old text books to preserve what little we have of "accurate history" and teachings. Remember too, most all of Americas public figures, presidents, politicians, many actors, and the founding fathers were religious, and it impacted a lot of what they did.
We're not taught that anymore, which is a shame.
You have to remember, until the last couple generations, there was HUGE pushback against digitization of history and documents, because manipulation would be so easy. That was impressed on me and others back in the 80s/90s again.
"oh, pshaw, who would be so unethical to do something like that?", politicians would say.....
The idea of high-ups in the military not liking what the govt. is up to is as old as the hills; think of various coup attempts around the world (eg, Pinochet in Chile, Franco in Spain, etc). So 'Q' could just be a 'contemporary' version of that, fashioned to appeal to today's environment.
I posted some time ago that I felt that Q was the 'brains' behind the operation, and Trump was just a convenient 'front man' who had the media smarts and independent wealth to campaign and win. I don't see Trump as the 'stable genius' that others attribute to him; his brash nature has proven to be a liability (eg, harping on McCain and alienating voters in AZ, where I live).
He may be intelligent, but I don't think he has the range of emotional skills to be perfect for the job. His public rage against people who disagree with him is somewhat childish / immature. Even if McCain is a traitor, he is a popular, well-respected guy in influential circles and it would have been better to publicly treat him with respect; while hating him in private if he needed to! This is a trait that endears him to his 'base' but his 'base' is already on board, and he should pay more attention to the 'rest'.
So that’s your opinion.
Yes and No. He has been more than willing, but how do you reach out to people who do what they did to President Trump? It comes to a point you just can't reach people.
You show them the truth, you explain the truth, and read to them the truth, you narrate the truth while showing a video of truth. All they do is say, "where is the evidence that you don't have?"
Eventually you get to the point like now, you can reach a few more who see what is coming, but that's gonna be it. The rest are so far gone they will literally have to be shocked back to reality.
There will be a few that are just gone with no hope of recovery. Those are the ones I mourn for.
It's quite stunning that people won't look at the evidence for themselves and think since they rather rely on MSM to debunk it for them. ?