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I'm puzzled about the public having to be prepared for the shock of learning the Chinese has infiltrated our government and the US Military must now save us.
In that moment of shock, what exactly happens? Do people fall on the ground crying? Do they jump out of windows? Run screaming down the street? Cry for days?
I don't get it. They may cry and pitch a fit, just like a 3 year old.
These mental weaklings are the cause of the problem, because they believed the MSM all their lives without any thinking on their own. Now they're the cause of the delay in Justice because they might be too weak to know reality?
Also, I see the reason to keep Biden supporters from rioting when the Election is overturned because they always pitch a fit when they don't get their way. That's a separate group from the larger, more ignorant population. I'm wondering why we have to protect the weak minds of the sheeple. What's the worst that can happen? Another Toilet Paper Run?
"Baaaaahhhhh! They sold out of Toilet Paperrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"
It’s so much more than the Chinese. I have empathy for the normies who have been spoon fed. So many years we have exchanged freedom for “safety”. A parakeet emerging from a cage is not as comfortable with open spaces as an eagle. I understand your frustration- going slow to bring them along is maddening. But the information is so much more than any of us truly understand. It might be that you are thinking smaller than it is. I mean no disrespect, we all want movement. It also might be an opportunity for you to recognize a lack of empathy in your heart. That’s ok too. Be you. And then be the best you. Blessings and luck.
I have empathy for every human being. I don't have empathy for a person needing a good cry with his new info. Is there more? Do these parakeets die? There must be a limit on coddling for those poor weaklings to move forward in life. Those poor weaklings who are holding up the show. Blessings and luck to you, Patriot.
I’m not sure all the truths that are going to come out but I’ve heard that those that voted for Biden and Hillary and Obama etc will want to hide under a rock. The Red Pill that unites us is abhorrence to pedophilia. Those and so many others are monsters. The depth and horrors of their deeds will make everyone cry. I still cry about it and I’ve known for a long time. Anyone with a soul will be Devastated. It’s all about the children .... always has been. And when they finally wake up to their own championing of abortion and how evil it is, and when they see it through Gods eyes ... they will weep. A “load of bricks “will fall on them that they may not survive the horror and guilt of their actions.
Q did say that’s what will unite everyone. The pedo shit. If that’s the case who knows when that could even be.