Makes sense the dementia and sleep thing go together but Joe could be white hats sleeper. He is completely controlled by white hats but can bring dems together for a time
Yes but I think that's how there keeping China at bay. The took over the blackmail they had on him and then agree to not seek justice from China people involve and let China handle there own. And they can have Biden as puppet
Makes sense the dementia and sleep thing go together but Joe could be white hats sleeper. He is completely controlled by white hats but can bring dems together for a time
I think he’s controlled by blackmailing. This must be revealed to those blind idiots who voted him into office (fraudulent or not).
Yes but I think that's how there keeping China at bay. The took over the blackmail they had on him and then agree to not seek justice from China people involve and let China handle there own. And they can have Biden as puppet