posted ago by CuomosNippleRing ago by CuomosNippleRing +20 / -0

So, the only way I've been able to keep my sanity through all of this has been to lay out the possibilities, on the most basic level, of which I see see three. And to try to answer every question through the lens of each of those possibilities.

For instance, in relation to the MSM coming after Q people:

1) Trump is truly our GEOTUS and is in control, it's a movie, everything is meant for the sole purpose of waking people up further. -It is on purpose, classic Streisand Effect. MSM makes people aware of Q who have never even heard of it before the past two weeks or so. They get an idea of what it's about, what people think might be going on and they wake up faster.

2) Trump is the ultimate bad guy, in on it from the start, we're screwed. -Obviously, it's meant to crank the hysteria up to 11 and when they finally make the call to put people in camps, Q people will be the first on the train.

3) Trump is the good guy we think he is but things are far from over and it could still go either way. -In this scenario, I would have to believe the DS is freaking out and frantically lashing out in an effort to discredit him. As long as we keep our heads about us and don't let trolls and shills take over every Q forum on the net and make us look bad, the aforementioned Streisand Effect will still work it's magic.

Honestly, I think we're in good shape. Granted, this is a very oversimplified way for me to look at this but I really do believe that, when you get right down to it, these are the main possible scenarios (please enlighten me if I have my blinders on and am missing anything, for real).

But if it was really number 2, I think we would really see much harsher censorship, and I'm talking China levels, where every website (such as this one) are wiped clean. Same for the negative biden hastags on twitter yesterday; I really don't think those would have been allowed to exist in scenario 2. I really think it's option 1 or 3, and I'm leaning toward 1, personally. There's just so much about all of this that is just weird. And one last though, if you think about everything that comes out that actually takes hold and gains traction... where do those pieces of information come from? How did they get here, by who? Well, in the case of the well-made video that came out this morning showing step by step how the Military may have disrespected biden, the link was posted here by a handshake with no history. When I clicked on it, there were like 40 views. That makes me think that any of the actual "good stuff" that comes out here, is seeded here on purpose, and I think we'll see a lot more of that sort of thing trickling out.

Thanks for reading. These are just the thoughts of someone trying to make sense of all this, while praying that their kids will have a shot at a decent life.