If anyone has some time on their hands and wants to correct the typos from the OCR i have posted below and create a nice text document with proper formatting this will be very useful.
b) When dealing in more direcl ways with a disinforma(ionalisl, such as email, DELAY IS CALLED FOR • there will usu<llly be a minimum of a 48-72 hour delay. This allows a sil-<lown team
discussion on response strategy fo, besl effect and even enough time 10 'get permission' or inslruclion from a formal chain of command.
c) In 1he NG example 1) above. it will olten ALSO be seen lha1 bigger guns are drawn and fired after the same 48-72 hours delay • the ream approach in play. This is especially 1rue when lhe
targeted truth seeker or their comments are considered more imponant with ,espect to potential to reveal truth. Thus. a serious truth sayer will be attacked twice for the same sin.
J How ,o Spot a Spy (Colntelpro Agent) Anonymous 02/04/15 (Wed) 00:26:10 ID: 78be3a No.1125523 ,.,,,,.,.
How to Spot a Spy (Colntelpro Agent)
One way to neutralize a potential activist is to get them to be in a group that does all the wrong things. Why?
The message doesn't get out.
A lot of time is was led
The activist is frustrated and discouraged
Nolhing good is accon,plished.
FBI and Police lnfonners and l nfillralO<S will infest any group and lhey have phoney activisl organizalions established.
Their purpose is to prevent any real movement for justice or eco-peace from developing in this country.
Agents come in small, medium or large. They can be of any ethnic background. They can be male or female.
The actual size of the group or movement being infiltrated is irrelevant. It is the potential the movement has for becoming large which brings on the spies aOO saboteurs.
This booklet lists tac tics agents use 10 slow things down, foul things up. destroy the movement a.nd keep tabs on attivists
It is the agent's job to keep the activist from quitting such a group. thus keeping him/her under control.
In some situations, to get control. the agent will tel.I the activist.
,·You're chv1cling lhe movemen1 ·
(Here, I have added lhe psychological reasons as lo WHY lhis manewe< works lo control people)
This inviles guilty feelings. Many people can be controlled by guilt The agenls begin relalionships with activisls behind a well-developed mask of "dedication 10 lhe cause." Because of lheir
olten declared dedication. (and actions designed 10 prove this), when they criticize the activist he or she • being 1ruly dedica1ed 10 the movemen1 • becomes convinced lhal somehow. any
issues are THEIR fault This is because a truly dedicated person lends 10 believe lhat everyone has a conscience and that nobody would dissimulate and lie like 1ha1 ·on purpose: If s
amazing how far agents can go in manipulating an activist because the activist will constantly make excuses foe the agent who regularly declares their dedication to the cause. Even if they
do, occasionally, suspe<:l the agent, they will pull lhe wool over their own eyes by rationalizing: ' lhey did that unconsciously ... lhey didn't really mean it... I can help them by being forgiving
and accepting " and so on and so forth.
The agent will tell lhe aclivist
"You're a leadefl'
This is designed to enhance the activist's self~teem. His or her narcissistie admiration of his/her own activist/altruistic intentions increase as he or she identifies with and consciously
admires the altruistic declarations of the agent which are deliberately set up to mirroc those of the activist
This is "malignant pseudoidentification: It is the process by which the agent consciously imitates or simulates a certain behavior to foster the activist's identification with him/her. thus
increasing the activist's vulnerabilily to exploitalion. The agenl will simulale the more sublle self-concepls ol the activist
Activists and those who have altruistic self-concepts are most vulnerable to malignant pseudoidentification especially during won< with the agent when the interaction includes matter relating
to their competency, autonomy, or knowledge.
The goal of the agent is to increase the activist's general empathy for the agent through pseudo-identification with the activist's self-concepts.
The most common example of lhis is lhe agen1 who will complimenl 1he activis1 for his competency or knov,ledge °' value 10 lhe movement. On a more subtle level, the agent will simulate
affects and mannerisms of the activist which promotes identification via mirroring and fee:lings of "twins hip", It is not unheard of fOf activists. enamored by the perceived helpfulness and
competence of a good agent, to find themselves considering ethical violations and perhaps, even Illegal behavior. in the service of their agent/h.an.dJer.
The activist's "fell quality of peffection" [self-<:oncepl) is enhanced, and a strong empalhic bond is developed wilh the ag"'11 through his/her imitation and simulation of the viclim's own
narcissisl ic inves1men1s. (self-concepts) Thal is. if the activist knows, deep inside, their own dedicalion 10 1he cause. lhey will project 1ha1 on10 the agent who is "mirroring" 1hem.
The activist will be deluded into thinking that the agent shares this feeling of identification and bonding. In an activist/social movement setting, the adversarial roles that activists naturally play
vis a vis the establishme,nt/govemment, fosters ongoing processes of intrapsychic spiriting so that "twinship alliances .. between activist and agent may render whole sectors or reality testingunavailable
to the activist. They literally ·1ose touch with reality."
Ac1ivis1s who deny 1heir own narcissis1ic inves1men1s (do not have a good idea of their own self-concep1s and lha1 they ARE concep1s] and consciously perceive themselves (accura1ely, as
ii were) to be "helpers" endowed with a special a,noun1 of al1ruism are exceedingly vulnerat)le 10 lhe affective (emolional) simulalion of the accomplished agent
Empathy is fos tered in the activist through the expression of quite visible affects. The presentation of tearfulness, sadness, longing, fear. remorse. and guilt, may induce in the helper-oriented
activist a strong sense of compassion. while unconsciously enhancing the activist's narcissistic investment in self as the embodiment of goodness.
The agent's expresssion ol such simula1ed affects may be quire compelling lo the observer and difficult 10 disting~ish froo, deep emotion,
It can usually be identified by two B'lents~ however.
First, the activist who has analyzed his/her own narcissistic roots and is aware of his/her own potential for being •emotionally hooked," will be able to remain cool and unaffected by such
emotional outpourings by lhe agenl.
As a result of this unaffecled, cool, allilude. 1he Second evenl will occur. The agent will recompensale much too quickly following such an affeclive expression leaving lhe activist wilh lhe
impcession 1hat "the play has ended. the cunain has fallen." and the imposlure. for 1he momen1, has finished. The agent will then move quickly to anothe< activisl/victim
The fact is, the movement doesn't need leaders, it needs MOVERS. "Follov, the leader~ is a waste of time.
A good agent will want to meet as often as possible. He or she will talk a lot and say little. One can expect an onslaught of long, unresolved discussions.
Some agents take on a pushy, arrogant, or defensive manner:
To disrupl 1he agenda
To side-lrack the discussion
To inlerrupl repea tedly
To feign ignorance
To make an unfounded ace usation against a person.
Calling someone a racist, for example. This tacti-c is used to discredit a person in the eyes of all other group members.
Some saboteurs pce1end to be ac1ivis1s. She o, he will ....
Wrile encyclopedic flyers (in the presenl day, webs~es)
Print flyers in English only.
Have demollStrations in places where no ooe cares.
Solicit funding from rich people inslead ol grass roots support
Display banners wiJh 100 many words 1ha1 are confusing.
Confuse issues.
Make lhe wrong demands.
Compcomise lhe goal.
Have endless discussions that waste everyone's time. Th.e agent may accompany the endless discussions with drinking, pot smoking or other amusement to slow down the activist's
Want to establish "'leaders" to set them up for a fall in order to stop the movement.
Suggest doing foolish, illegal things lo gel the activisls in trouble.
Encourage militancy.
Want 10 taunt 1he aulho<ities.
Attempt to make the activist compromise their values,
Attempt to instigate. violence. Activisim ought to atways be non-violent.
Attempl to provoke revolt among people who are ill-prepared to deal with the reaction of the authorities to such violence.
Want everyooe to sign up and sing in and sign everything.
Ask a lol ol questions (galhering data~
Want to know what events the activist is planning to attend.
Attempl to make the activist defend him or herself to identify his or her beliefs, goals. and level of committment.
Legitimate activists do not subject people to hours of persuasive dialog. Their actions, beliefs, and goals speak for themselves.
Groups that 00 recruit are missionaries. military. and fake political parties or movements set up by agents.
ALWAYS assume that you are under surveillance.
At this point, if you are NOT under surveillance. you are not a very good activistJ
Scare Tactics
They use lhen,.
Such tac tics include slander, defamalion, 1hrea1s. gelling close 10 disaffecled or minimally commilled fellow activists to persuade lhe,n (via psychological 1ac1ics described above) to 1um
against the movement and give false testimony against their former compatriots. They will plant illegal substances on the activist and set up an arrest; they will plant false infonnation and set
up .. exposure."' they will send incriminating letters [emails] in the name of the activist; and more; they will do whatever society will allow.
This booklet in no way covers alt the ways agents use to sabotage the lives of sincere an dedicated activists.
If an agenl is · exposed." he°' she will be transferred or replaced.
COINTELPRO is still in operation today under a different code name. II is no longer placed on paper where 1t can be discovered through the freedom of infonnation act.
The FBI counl erinlelligence program's slated purpose. To expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, and olhe,wise neutralize individuals who the FBI categorize as opposed to the Natiooa/
Interests. "Nalional Security" means lhe FBl's security from the people ever finding oul lhe vicious lhings ii does in violalion of people's civil liberties.
J Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression Anonymous 02/04/15 (Wed) 00:26:34 ID: 78be3a No.1125527
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression
Strong, credible allegations of htgh-level cnmmal acf,v,ty can bnng down a government. When the government lacks an effective, fact-based defense. other techmquos must be employed. The
success of these techniques depends heavily upon a cooperative, compliant press and a mere token opposition patty.
Dummy up. If il's not reported, if it's not news, it didn't happen.
2,. Wax indignant. This is also known as the ~How dare you{ gambit
Characterize the charges as "mmors" or, better yet, "wild rumors." If, in spite of the news blackout. the public is still able to learn about the suspicious fac ts. it can only be through
"rumO<S." Qf they tend 10 believe lhe · rumors" it must be because lhey are simply · parancicf" °' "hysterical.")
4, Knock down s1raw men. Deal only with 1he weakest aspects of the weakest charges. Even beller. crea1e your own slraw men, Make up wild rumors (0< plan1 false slo<ies) and give them
lead play when you appear to debunk all lhe charges, real and fanciful afike.
Call the skeptics names like "conspiracy theorist," "nutcase," "ranter," "kook," "crnckpot," and, of course, "rumor monger." Be sure, too, to use heavily loaded verbs and
adjectives when characterizing their charges and defending 1he "more reasonable" government and ;ts defenders. You must then carefully av
In conventional warfare, injuries are physical and disable you on the battlefield unable to fight. Think about what is an injury on the new information battlefield? Demoralization. Thinking to yourself "fuck this shit". I'm not going to go on the internet for a few days. All shill attacks are designed to disable you on the battlefield. Twitter bans, facebooks bans. Societal pressure to conform. If you see these for what they are you will not succumb.
Characterize the charges as "mmors" or, better yet, "wild rumors." If, in spite of the news blackout. the public is still able to learn about the suspicious fac ts. it can only be through
"rumO<S." Qf they tend 10 believe lhe · rumors" it must be because lhey are simply · parancicf" °' "hysterical.")
4, Knock down s1raw men. Deal only with 1he weakest aspects of the weakest charges. Even beller. crea1e your own slraw men, Make up wild rumors (0< plan1 false slo<ies) and give them
lead play when you appear to debunk all lhe charges, real and fanciful afike.
Call the skeptics names like "conspiracy theorist," "nutcase," "ranter," "kook," "crnckpot," and, of course, "rumor monger." Be sure, too, to use heavily loaded verbs and
adjectives when characterizing their charges and defending 1he "more reasonable" government and ;ts defenders. You must then carefully avoid fair and open debate with any of the people
you have thus maligned. For insurance, set up your own ·skeptics" to shoot down.
Impugn motives. Attempt to marginalize the critics by suggesting strongly that they are not really interested in the truth but are simply pursuing a partisan political agenda or are out
10 make money (compared to over-compensa1ed adheren1s 10 lhe government line who. presumably, are not).
Invoke authority. He-re the controlled press and the sham opposition can be very useful.
Dismiss the charges as "old news: ·
Come half.elean. This is also known as · confession and avoodance" or "laking the limiled hangou1 rou1e." This way, you create the imptession of cando, and hones1y while you admi1 only
\o rela1ivefy harmless, lessahan-criminal "mistakes." This s1ra1agem often requires lhe embrace of a fall -back position quite different from the o,ie originally 1aken, Wilh effeclive damage
conlrol, the fall-back position need only be peddled by stooge skeplics lo carefully limiled markets.
Characterize the crimes as impossibly complex and the truth as ultimately unknowable.
Reason backward. using 1he deduclive me1hod with a vengeance. With 1horoughly rigorous deduction. 1rout)lesome evidence is irrelevant. E.g. We have a completely free press. If
evidence exists that the Vince Foster · suicide" note was forged, they would have reported it. They haven't reported it so there is no such evidence. Another variation on this theme involves
the likelihood of a conspiracy leaker and a press who would report the leak.
12., Require the skeptics to solve the crime completely. E.g. If Foster was murdered. who did it and why?
Change the subject. This lechnique inc ludes creating and/or put)licizing dislractions.
Lightly repon incriminating facts, and then make nothing of them. This is sometimes referred to as "bump and run· reporting.
Baldly and brazenly lie. A favorite way of doing this is to attribute the "facts" furnished the public to a plausible.-sounding, but anonymous, source.
Expanding further on numbers 4 and 5. have your own stooges "expose" scandals and champion popular causes. Their job is to pte-empl real opponenis and 10 play 99-yatd football.
A varialion is 10 pay rich people forlhe job who will p,etend to spend lheirown money.
Flood the Internet with agents. This is the answer to the question, ·what could possibly motivate a person to spend hour upon hour on tntemet news groups defending the government
and/or the f)(ess and harassing genuine critics?" Don t the authori ties have defenders enough in all the newspapers. magazines. radio. and television? One would think refusing to print critical
tellers and screening out serious callers or dumping lhem from radio 1alk shows would be control enough, but. obviously, it is not.
Associate opponent charges with old news. A derivative of the straw man - usually, in any large~cafe matter of high visibility. someone will make charges earty on which can be or
were already easily dealt wilh • a kind ol investment for the futute should 1he mailer not be so easily con1ained.) Where it can be foreseen. have your own side raise a straw man issue and
have it dealt with early on as pan of lhe initial conlingency plans. Subsequenl charges, regatdless of validily or new ground uncovered, can usually then be associated wilh lhe original charge
and dismissed as simply being a rehash without need to address current issues - so much the better where the opponent is or was involved with the original source.
Est~ish and rely upon fall~back positions. Using a minor matter or element of the facts, take the 'high road' and 'confess' with candor that some innocent mistake, in hindsight,
was made - but that opponents have seized on the opportunity to blow it all out of proportion and imply greater criminalities which, 'just isn't so.' Others can reinfon;e this on your behaJf.
la1er, and even put)licly ·call for an end to 1he nonsense· because you have already 'done lhe right thing.' Done property, this can gamer sympalhy and ,espec1 for ·con,ing clean· and ·owning
up· to your mistakes without addressing more serious issues.
Enigmas have no solution. Drawing upon the O'leraJI umb<ella of events surrounding the crime and the multitude of players and events, paint the entire affair as too complex to solve.
This causes those otherwise following the matter to begin to lose intere.st more quickty without having to address the actual issues.
Alice in Wonderland Logic. Avoid discussion of the issues by reasoning backwards or with an apparent deductive logic which forbears any actual material fact.
O&mand complete solutions. Avoid the issues by requiring opponents to solve the crime at hand completely, a ploy which works best with issues qualifying for rule 10.
Fit the facts to altemate conclusions. This requires creative thinking unless the crime was planned with contingency conclusions in place.
Vanish evidence and witnesses. If ii does no1 exisl, it is not fact. and you won·1 have 10 address the issue.
Change the subjoct. Usually in connection with one of the other ploys listed here, find a way to sid~track the discussion with abrasive or controvetSial comments in hopes of turning
attention to a new. more manageable topic. This works especially weU with companions who can 'argue· with you over the new topic and polarize the discussion arena in order to avoid
discussing more key issues.
Emotionalii e, Antagonize, and Goad Op1>onen1s. If you can't do any1hing else, chide and 1aunt your opponenls and draw 1hem into emotional responses which will lend to make lhem
look foolish and overly molivaled, and generally render 1heir ma1erial somewhat less coherent Nol only will you avood discussing lhe issues in lhe first instance. but even if 1heir emotional
response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by thoo focusing on how ·sensitive they are to criticism.'
Ignore proof presented, demand impossible proofs. This is pertiaps a variant of the 'play dumb' rule. Regatdless ol what material may be presented by an opponent in public forums.
claim the material irrelevant and demand proof Illa! is impossible lo, Ille opponent to come by (ii may exist bul nol be al his disposal, or ii may be something which is known to be safely
destroyed or wilhheld. such as a murder weapon.) In older lo complelefy avoid discussing issues, ii may be requi red that you 10 categorically deny and be critical of media or books as valid
sources, deny that witnesses are acceptable, or even deny that statements made by govemme<it Ct' other authorities have any meaning 0t relevance.
False evidence. Whenever possible, introduce new facts or clues designed and manufactured to conflict with opponent presentations - as useful tools to neutralize sensitive
issues o, impede resolu1io11. This works besl when the crime was designed with contingencies for \he purpose. and 1he facts cannot be easily separated from \he fabricalions.
Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor, oc other empowered investigative body. Subvert the (process) to your benefit and effectively neutralize all sensitive issues without open
discussion. Once convened. the evidence and testimony are required to be secret when property handled. For instance, if you own the prosecuting attorney, it can insure a Grand Jury hears
no useful evidence and that the evidence is sealed and unavailable to subsequent investigators. Once a favOfable verdict is achieved, the matter can be considered officially closed. Usually.
this technique is applied 10 find lhe guilty innocent. but ii can also be used 10 obtain charges when seeking to frame a viclim.
Manufacnire a new truth. Create your own expert(s), group(s), author(s), leader(s) or fnflueoce existing ones willing to forge new ground via scientific. investjgative. or social research°'
testimony which concludes favorably. In this way. if you must actually address issues, you can do so authoritatively.
Create bigger distractions. If the above does not seem to be working to distract from sensitive issues. or to prevent unwanted media coverage of unstoppable events such as trials,
crea1e bigger news slo,ies (or 1rea1 lhem as such) to distract the multitudes,
Silence critics. If the above methods do not prevail, consider removing opponents front circulation by some definitfVe solution so that the need to address issues is removed entirely This
can be by their death. arrest and detention. blackmail or destruction of their character by release of blackmail infonnation. or merely by destroying them financially. emotionally. or severely
damaging their heallll.
Vonish. If you are a key holder of secrets or otherNise overly ill11mina1ed and you think the heat is gelling loo hol, to avoid 1he issues. vaca1e 1he kitchen
=l , Eight Trails of the Di sinformationalist Anonymous 02/04/15 (Wed) 00:25:34 ID: 78be3a No.1125516 » 112•••• » 1 u>§••
Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist
Avoidance. They never attually di scuss issues head-on or provide constructive input, generally avoiding citation of references oc cred&ntials. Rather. they merely imply this, that~ and the
other. Virtually everything aboot their p,es811lalion implies their authority and expert knowledge in the matter withoul arry further juslificalion for credibility.
Selectivi1y. They lend lo pick and choose opponenls carefully, either applying lhe hit-and-run approach against mere commenlalors supl)Ortive ol opponen1s, or focusing heavier allacks on
key opponents who a.re known to directly address issues, Should a commentator become argumentative with any success, the focus will shift to i"nclude the comme,ntator as well.
Coincidental. They tend to surface suddenly and somewhat coincidentally with a new controversial topic with no clear prior record of participation in genera! discussions in the. particular
public arena involved. They likewise tend to vanish once the topic is no longer of generaJ concern. They were likely directed or elected to be there for a reason, and vanish with the reason.
Teamwork. They tend to operate in setf-c:ongratulato,y and complementary packs or teams. Of coorse, this can happen naturally in any public forum, but there will likely be an ongoing
pattern of frequent exchanges of this sort where professionals are involved. Sometimes one of the players will infiltrate the opponent camp to become a source for straw man or other tactics
designed to dilute opponen1 ptesenta1ion s1rength.
Anti.conspiratorial. They almost always have disdain for ·conspiracy theorists' and. usually, for those who in aw, way believe JFK was not killed by LHO. Ask yourself why, if they hold
such disdain for conspiracy theorists, do they focus on defending a single topic discussed in a NG focusing on conspiracies? One might think they would either be trying to make fools of
everyone on every topic, or simply ignore the group they hold in such disdain.Or. one might more rightly conclude they have an ulterior motive for their actions in going out of their way to
focus as llley do.
Artificial Emotions. An odd kind of 'artificial' emotionalism and an unusualJy thick skin - an ability to persevece. and persist even in the face of overwhelming criticism and unaceeptance.
This likely stems from intfflligence community training that. no matter how condemning the evidence. deny everything, and never become emotionally involved or reac tive. The n&t result for a
disinfo artist is that emotions can seem artificial
Most people. if responding in anger, for instance. will express lheir animosily lhroughout their rebullal. But disinfo types usually have trouble main1aining the 'image' and are hot and cold wilh
cespe<:t 10 pretended emotions and their usually more calm or unemotional communicalions slyle. It's jus1 a job. and !hey often seem unable 10 ·act 1heir role in characte( as well in a
communications medium as they might be able in a reaJ face.to.face conversation/confrontation. You might have outright rage and indignation one moment, ho-hum the next, and more anger
later - an emotional yo-yo.
VVith respect to being thick•skinned, no amount of criticism will deter them from doing their job, and they will generally continue their old disinfo patterns without any adjustments to criticisms
of how obvious it is that they play that game - where a: more rational individual who truly cares what others think might seek to improve their communications styJe. substance. and so fotth.
or simply give up.
Inconsistent. There is also a tendency to make mistakes which betray their true self/motives_ This may stem from not 1eally knowing their topic, or it may be somewhat ·rreudian·. so to
speak, in lhal perhaps lhey really root for the side of truth deep within.
I have noted lhat often. lhey will simply cile contradiclOty information which neu1ralizes itself and lhe aulhor Fo, inslance, one such player claimed to be a Navy pilot. but blamed his poor
communicating skills (spelling, grammar. incol1eren1 style) on having only a grade-school educalion, I'm not aware of too many Navy pilots who don't have a college degree. Anolher claimed
no knowledge of a particular lopic/situalion but laler claimed first-hand knowledge of ii.
Time Constant. Recently disco•1ered, with respect to News Groops. is the response time factor. There are three ways this can be seen to work, especially when the government or other
empowered player is involved in a cover up operation;
a) ANY NG pos1ing by a 1arge1ed ptoponenl for lruth can result in an IMMEDIATE response. The government and olher empowered players can afford to pay people 10 si1 1here and walch for
an opportunity to do some damage. SINCE DISINFO IN A NG ONLY WORKS IF THE READER SEES IT · FAST RESPONSE IS CALLED FOR, 0< lhe visil Of may be swayed towards
b) When dealing in more direcl ways with a disinforma(ionalisl, such as email, DELAY IS CALLED FOR • there will usu<llly be a minimum of a 48-72 hour delay. This allows a sil-<lown team
discussion on response strategy fo, besl effect and even enough time 10 'get permission' or inslruclion from a formal chain of command.
c) In 1he NG example 1) above. it will olten ALSO be seen lha1 bigger guns are drawn and fired after the same 48-72 hours delay • the ream approach in play. This is especially 1rue when lhe
targeted truth seeker or their comments are considered more imponant with ,espect to potential to reveal truth. Thus. a serious truth
I::] 1 , COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet fornm Anonymous 02/04/15 (Wed) 00:23:37 ID: 78be3a No.1125500 »11•••••
COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum
Technique #1 • 'FORUM SLIDING'
If a very sensitive posting of a critical nature has been posted on a forum. it can be quickly removed from public view by 'forum sliding.· In this technique a number of unrelated posts are
quietly prepositioned on the forum and allowed to 'age.' Each of these misdirectional forum postings can then be called upon at will to trigger a 'forum slide.' The second requirement is that
several fake accounts exist, which can be called upon. to ensure that this technique is not exposed to the public. To trigger a 'forum slide· and 'flush' the critical post out of pubfic view it is
simply a matter of l099ing inlo each accounl bolh real and fake and then 'replying' lo preposilined postings wilh a simple 1 or 2 line comment. This brings lhe unrelaled postings 10 the top of
lhe forum list. and lhe crilical posling 'slides' down the front page, and quickly out of p,.,t)lic view. A11hou9h ii is difficul1 or impossible 10 censor the posting ii is n<:/'N lost in a sea ol unrela1ed
and unuseful postings. By this means it becomes effective- to keep the readers of the forum reading unrelated and non-issue items.
A second highly effective lechnique (which you can see in Of)etalion all 1he time at www.above1opsecre1.com) is ·consensus cracking.' To develop a consensus craek, lhe following 1echnique
is used. Under the guise of a fake account a posting is made which looks legitimate and is towards the truth is made • but the critical point is that it has a VERY WEAK PREMISE without
substantive proof to back the posting. Once this is done toon under alternative fake accounts a very strong position in your favour is slowly introduced over the life of the posting.. It is
IMPERATIVE that both sides are initially presented, so the uninfonned reader cannot detennine which side is the truth. As postings and repfies are made the stronger 'evidence' or
disinformation in yoor favour is slowly ·seeded in.' Thus the tminfonned reader will most like develop the same position as you. and if their position is against you their opposition to your
posling will be mos I likely dropped. However in some cases where the fo,um mem~ are highly educaled and can coun1er your disinformation with real facts and linked postings, you can
then 'abort' lhe consensus cracking by inilialing a 'forum slide.'
Technique #3 - 'TOPIC DILUTION'
Topic dilution is- not only effec tive in forum sliding it is also very useful in keeping the forum readers on unrelated and non•produetive issues. This js a critical and useful technique to cause a
'RESOURCE BURN • By implementing conlinual and non-<elated postings 1ha1 dis1rac1 and disrupl (trolling ) the forum readers 1hey are more effectively slopped from anylhing of any real
productivity. If the intensity of graduaJ dilution is intense enough, the readers will effec tively stop researching and simply slip into a 'gossip mode.' In this state they can be m0<e easily
misdir&eted away from facts towards uninfonned conjecture and opinion. The less infonned they are the more effective and easy it becomes to control the entire group in the direction that you
would desire the group to go in. It must be stressed that a proper assessment of the psychological capabilities and levels of education is first determined of the group to detem,ine at what
level to 'drive in the wedoe.· Bv beino too far off tooic too ouicklv it mav triooer censOfShio bv a forum moderator.
Technique #4 • 'INFORMA llON COLLEC 110N'
Information collection is also a very effective method to determine the psychological level of the forum members. and to gather intelligence that can be used against them. In this teehnique in
a light and positi'le environment a 'show you mine so me yours· posting is initiated. From the number of replies and the answers that are provided much statistical infonnation can be gathered.
An example is to post your 'favourite weapon• and then encourage other members of the forum to showcase what they have. In this matter it can be detennined by reverse proration what
percentage of the forum community owns a fiream1. and or a illegal weapon. This same method can be used by posing as one of the form members and posting your favourite 'technique of
ope<alion.' From lhe replies various methods lhal 1he group utilizes can be studied and effective melhods develOl)ed lo stop them from their aclivilies.
Technique #5 • 'ANGER TROLLING'
Statis1icaUy, there is always a percentage of the forum posters who are more inclined to violence. In order to determine who these individuals are, it is a requirement to present a image to the
forum 10 deliberalely incite a slrong psychological reaction. From 1his lhe mosl violenl in lhe group can be effectively singled out for reverse IP loca1ion and possibly local enforcemen1
tracking, To accomplish this only requires posting a link 10 a video depicling a local police officer massively abusing his power agains1 a very innocen1 individual. Slalislically of 1he million o,
so police officers in America the<e is always one or two being caught abusing there pow&rs and the taping of the activity can be then used fOf intelligence ga1hering purposes . without the
requirement to ·stage' a fake abuse video. This method is extremely effective, and the more so the more abusive the video can be made to look. Sometimes it is useful to 'lead' the forum by
replying to your own posting with your own statement of violent intent. and that you 'do not care what the authorities think!!' inflammation. By doing this and showing no fear it may be more
effective in getting the more silent and self-disciplined violent intent members of the forum to slip and post their real intentions. This t-an be used later in a court of law during prosecution.
It is important to also be haivesting and continually maneuvering for a forum moderator position. Once this position is obtained~ the forum can then be effectively and quietly controlled by
deleting unfavourable postings • and one can eventually steer the forum into complete failure and lack of interest by the general public. This is the 'ultimate victor{ as the forum is no longer
participated with by the general public and no longer useful in maintaining their freedoms. Depending on the level of con1rol you can ob1ain. you can delibera1ely steer a forum into defea1 by
censoring poslings, deleling memberships, Hooding, and or accidenlally l aking the forum offline. By this me1hod the forum can be quickly killed. However ii is not always in lhe in1eres110 kill
a forum as it can be converted into a 'honey pol' gathering center to collect and misdirect newcomers and from lhis point be complelely used fo, your conlrol for your agenda purposes.
Remember these 1echniques are only effeciive if the fon,m portlc,iponts DO NOT KNOW ABOUT THEM. Once they are aware ol 1hese l echniques the opera1ion can comple1ely fail, and
the forum can becorne uncontrolled. At this point other avenues must be considered such as initiating a false legal precidene:e to simply have the forum shut down and taken offline. Th.is is
not desirable as it then leaves the enforcentent agencies unable to track the percentage of those in the population who always resist attempts f0< control against them. Many other tochniques
can be utilized and developed by the individual and as you develop further techniques of infiltration and control it is imperative to share then with HO.
;:} 1 Twen1y.Five Rules of Di sinformation Anonymous 02/04/15 (Wed) 00:24:18 10: 78be3a No.1125509
Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation
Nole: The hrst rule and last five (or s,x, dependmg on srtuatioo) rules are generally not directly withm the ability of the tradit,ooal d,sm/o artist to apply. These rules an, generally used more
directly by those at the leaderohip, key players. or planning level of the criminal consp,ra,;y or corns pill/Cy io cover up.
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Regardless of wha1 you know, don·1 discuss it- especially if you a.re a public figu,e. news an(ho<, etc. If it's not reported, it didn't hapf)en. and
you never have to deal with the issues.
Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct
group or theme. This is also known as the "How dare your gambit.
Create rumor mongers Avoid discus.sing issues by describing all charges, regardless of venue or evidence, as mere rumors and wild accusations. Other derogatory terms
mutually exclusive of truth may work as well. This 1nethod which works especially well with a silent press, because the only way the public can leam of the facts are through such 'arguable
rumors·. If you can associate the material with the Internet, use this fact to certify it a 'wild rumor' from a 'bunch of kids on the Internet' which can hav& no basis in fact.
Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent"s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make
up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of lhe opponent/opponent argumen1s/si1ua1ion, or selecl lhe weakesl aspecl of lhe weakesl charges. Amplify !heir
significance and des1roy them in a way which apf)ellrs 10 debunk all 1he charges, real and fabrica1ed alike. while ac1ually avoiding discussion of lhe real issues.
Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary 'attack the messenger' pJoy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach.
Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as 'kooks', "right-wing', 'liberal', 'left -wing", 'terrorists'. 'conspiracy buffs', 'radicals', 'militia', 'racists·, 'religious fanatics·. 'sexual deviates', and
so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.
Hit and Run In 31'/ public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, °' simply ignore any answer.
This works extremeJy well in lntemet and letters.tCHl~itor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism, reasoning - simply
make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that wou1d dignify the opponent's viewpoint.
Question motives. Twist or amplify any fact which could be taken to imply that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids disc.ussing
issues and forces the accuser on the defensive.
8,, Invoke authority. Cla,im for yourself or associate yourself with authority and present your argument with enough "jargon' and 'minutia' to illustrate you are 'one who knows-, and
simply say it isn't so without discussing issues or demonstrating concretely why or citir.g sources.
Play Dumb. No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues except with denials they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain
or make a point. have logic, or suppo,rt a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.
Associate opponent charges with old news. A derivative of the straw man - usually, in any large~cafe matter of high visibility. someone will make charges earty on which can be or
were already easily dealt wilh • a kind ol investment for the futute should 1he mailer not be so easily con1ained.) Where it can be foreseen. have your own side raise a straw man issue and
have it dealt with early on as pan of lhe initial conlingency plans. Subsequenl ch
Removed, see sticky. But, feel free to add these quality comments to the other thread. Thanks for understanding.
Thats fine. no problem.
If anyone has some time on their hands and wants to correct the typos from the OCR i have posted below and create a nice text document with proper formatting this will be very useful.
b) When dealing in more direcl ways with a disinforma(ionalisl, such as email, DELAY IS CALLED FOR • there will usu<llly be a minimum of a 48-72 hour delay. This allows a sil-<lown team discussion on response strategy fo, besl effect and even enough time 10 'get permission' or inslruclion from a formal chain of command. c) In 1he NG example 1) above. it will olten ALSO be seen lha1 bigger guns are drawn and fired after the same 48-72 hours delay • the ream approach in play. This is especially 1rue when lhe targeted truth seeker or their comments are considered more imponant with ,espect to potential to reveal truth. Thus. a serious truth sayer will be attacked twice for the same sin. J How ,o Spot a Spy (Colntelpro Agent) Anonymous 02/04/15 (Wed) 00:26:10 ID: 78be3a No.1125523 ,.,,,,.,. How to Spot a Spy (Colntelpro Agent) One way to neutralize a potential activist is to get them to be in a group that does all the wrong things. Why?
In conventional warfare, injuries are physical and disable you on the battlefield unable to fight. Think about what is an injury on the new information battlefield? Demoralization. Thinking to yourself "fuck this shit". I'm not going to go on the internet for a few days. All shill attacks are designed to disable you on the battlefield. Twitter bans, facebooks bans. Societal pressure to conform. If you see these for what they are you will not succumb.
I::] 1 , COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet fornm Anonymous 02/04/15 (Wed) 00:23:37 ID: 78be3a No.1125500 »11••••• COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum Technique #1 • 'FORUM SLIDING' If a very sensitive posting of a critical nature has been posted on a forum. it can be quickly removed from public view by 'forum sliding.· In this technique a number of unrelated posts are quietly prepositioned on the forum and allowed to 'age.' Each of these misdirectional forum postings can then be called upon at will to trigger a 'forum slide.' The second requirement is that several fake accounts exist, which can be called upon. to ensure that this technique is not exposed to the public. To trigger a 'forum slide· and 'flush' the critical post out of pubfic view it is simply a matter of l099ing inlo each accounl bolh real and fake and then 'replying' lo preposilined postings wilh a simple 1 or 2 line comment. This brings lhe unrelaled postings 10 the top of lhe forum list. and lhe crilical posling 'slides' down the front page, and quickly out of p,.,t)lic view. A11hou9h ii is difficul1 or impossible 10 censor the posting ii is n<:/'N lost in a sea ol unrela1ed and unuseful postings. By this means it becomes effective- to keep the readers of the forum reading unrelated and non-issue items. Technique #2 - 'CONSENSUS CRACKING' A second highly effective lechnique (which you can see in Of)etalion all 1he time at www.above1opsecre1.com) is ·consensus cracking.' To develop a consensus craek, lhe following 1echnique is used. Under the guise of a fake account a posting is made which looks legitimate and is towards the truth is made • but the critical point is that it has a VERY WEAK PREMISE without substantive proof to back the posting. Once this is done toon under alternative fake accounts a very strong position in your favour is slowly introduced over the life of the posting.. It is IMPERATIVE that both sides are initially presented, so the uninfonned reader cannot detennine which side is the truth. As postings and repfies are made the stronger 'evidence' or disinformation in yoor favour is slowly ·seeded in.' Thus the tminfonned reader will most like develop the same position as you. and if their position is against you their opposition to your posling will be mos I likely dropped. However in some cases where the fo,um mem~ are highly educaled and can coun1er your disinformation with real facts and linked postings, you can then 'abort' lhe consensus cracking by inilialing a 'forum slide.' Technique #3 - 'TOPIC DILUTION' Topic dilution is- not only effec tive in forum sliding it is also very useful in keeping the forum readers on unrelated and non•produetive issues. This js a critical and useful technique to cause a 'RESOURCE BURN • By implementing conlinual and non-<elated postings 1ha1 dis1rac1 and disrupl (trolling ) the forum readers 1hey are more effectively slopped from anylhing of any real productivity. If the intensity of graduaJ dilution is intense enough, the readers will effec tively stop researching and simply slip into a 'gossip mode.' In this state they can be m0<e easily misdir&eted away from facts towards uninfonned conjecture and opinion. The less infonned they are the more effective and easy it becomes to control the entire group in the direction that you would desire the group to go in. It must be stressed that a proper assessment of the psychological capabilities and levels of education is first determined of the group to detem,ine at what level to 'drive in the wedoe.· Bv beino too far off tooic too ouicklv it mav triooer censOfShio bv a forum moderator. Technique #4 • 'INFORMA llON COLLEC 110N' Information collection is also a very effective method to determine the psychological level of the forum members. and to gather intelligence that can be used against them. In this teehnique in a light and positi'le environment a 'show you mine so me yours· posting is initiated. From the number of replies and the answers that are provided much statistical infonnation can be gathered. An example is to post your 'favourite weapon• and then encourage other members of the forum to showcase what they have. In this matter it can be detennined by reverse proration what percentage of the forum community owns a fiream1. and or a illegal weapon. This same method can be used by posing as one of the form members and posting your favourite 'technique of ope<alion.' From lhe replies various methods lhal 1he group utilizes can be studied and effective melhods develOl)ed lo stop them from their aclivilies. Technique #5 • 'ANGER TROLLING' Statis1icaUy, there is always a percentage of the forum posters who are more inclined to violence. In order to determine who these individuals are, it is a requirement to present a image to the forum 10 deliberalely incite a slrong psychological reaction. From 1his lhe mosl violenl in lhe group can be effectively singled out for reverse IP loca1ion and possibly local enforcemen1 tracking, To accomplish this only requires posting a link 10 a video depicling a local police officer massively abusing his power agains1 a very innocen1 individual. Slalislically of 1he million o, so police officers in America the<e is always one or two being caught abusing there pow&rs and the taping of the activity can be then used fOf intelligence ga1hering purposes . without the requirement to ·stage' a fake abuse video. This method is extremely effective, and the more so the more abusive the video can be made to look. Sometimes it is useful to 'lead' the forum by replying to your own posting with your own statement of violent intent. and that you 'do not care what the authorities think!!' inflammation. By doing this and showing no fear it may be more effective in getting the more silent and self-disciplined violent intent members of the forum to slip and post their real intentions. This t-an be used later in a court of law during prosecution. Technique #6 • 'GAINING FULL CONTROL' It is important to also be haivesting and continually maneuvering for a forum moderator position. Once this position is obtained~ the forum can then be effectively and quietly controlled by deleting unfavourable postings • and one can eventually steer the forum into complete failure and lack of interest by the general public. This is the 'ultimate victor{ as the forum is no longer participated with by the general public and no longer useful in maintaining their freedoms. Depending on the level of con1rol you can ob1ain. you can delibera1ely steer a forum into defea1 by censoring poslings, deleling memberships, Hooding, and or accidenlally l aking the forum offline. By this me1hod the forum can be quickly killed. However ii is not always in lhe in1eres110 kill a forum as it can be converted into a 'honey pol' gathering center to collect and misdirect newcomers and from lhis point be complelely used fo, your conlrol for your agenda purposes. CONCLUSION Remember these 1echniques are only effeciive if the fon,m portlc,iponts DO NOT KNOW ABOUT THEM. Once they are aware ol 1hese l echniques the opera1ion can comple1ely fail, and the forum can becorne uncontrolled. At this point other avenues must be considered such as initiating a false legal precidene:e to simply have the forum shut down and taken offline. Th.is is not desirable as it then leaves the enforcentent agencies unable to track the percentage of those in the population who always resist attempts f0< control against them. Many other tochniques can be utilized and developed by the individual and as you develop further techniques of infiltration and control it is imperative to share then with HO. ;:} 1 Twen1y.Five Rules of Di sinformation Anonymous 02/04/15 (Wed) 00:24:18 10: 78be3a No.1125509 Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation Nole: The hrst rule and last five (or s,x, dependmg on srtuatioo) rules are generally not directly withm the ability of the tradit,ooal d,sm/o artist to apply. These rules an, generally used more directly by those at the leaderohip, key players. or planning level of the criminal consp,ra,;y or corns pill/Cy io cover up.