It's an interesting interview because Bannon is NOT a "Q / The Plan" guy. This interview dips into Biden's shaky cognitive skills. He talks about watching the speech today and picking up on tells that will point to Biden being a puppet, which we all know. But once you add the possibility of this literally NOT even physically being Biden himself, it takes it to another level.
I'm watching live, so don't have a link yet but it's in the second hour.
Bannon says he is not a Q guy or a conspiracy guy, but then has been Flogging a "Great Awakening" for months without even specifying what this means.
For example he keeps saying "Ok guys we're not gonna talk about gun battles in Frankfurt" but in doing so he keeps talking about it, raising the issue, almost every show.
He's playing a game, he has his reasons for not associating himself with Q, but that does not mean he's not on board.
This is an age old rhetorical strategy of a public denial non-denial.
Many people sympathetic to Q have done quasi public disavowals of Q.
He has Jack Posobiec on every other day.
Remember when Jack "exposed" who Q was and that it was a fraud in I think 2018?????