If they tested everyone for the rhinovirus in a similar manner, i.e. using the flawed pcr test, requiring tests when hospitalized and adding each positive test as a case even if a person is tested daily, you'd find a staggering amount of cases of rhinovirus. Most people get it almost yearly.
Now, if classified each death where where there were cold symptoms present as a rhinovirus death, millions of people would die from it yearly. There's a reason why they changed how deaths were attributed a year ago. Dying 'with' vs 'from' are two separate things. When a person is dying from a critical disease a simple cold can be more than enough to push the body over that threshold of life to death. The cold killed them by covid standards rather than the underlying disease.
I understand what you are saying and the tests are garbage.
But I have researched it enough to believe it is real, just not as severe as hyped. But it is odd in that it does affect people in different ways. We have close friends were the wife died (no comorbities) but the husband never even got sick, and he has stage 4 cancer. Another family friend who is an ER doctor in Houston is having severe heart issues after having covid, also a healthy guy, no underlying conditions.
I believe we will find out that there is a genetic marker that predisposes one to severe disease, and can be easily treated (as they are finding with certain cancers).
It is too bad that the medical community is so invested in hype and dangerous vaccines than doing genetic studies finding out the real reason a few folks get such a severe case. But of course, a simple solution would not fit the agenda.
No doubt it's real. I have a family full of doctors so I've heard of the rate cases, however I've also heard of rare cases of people dying from the flu and even the cold(although in the cold case they believed an allergic reaction was the real cause).
There are apparently already some genetic markers already identified, such as certain blood types reacting differently, but not sure anything conclusive.
My point was the covid hype is largely a matter of numbers and the framing of those numbers. Unfortunately the narrative is if you question covid you are a denier, which thinking not only goes against science but creates a reality where the best courses of action can't be fully explored.
Imagine they could find the marker, and the targeted treatment. That would pretty much eliminate the risk, and in effect “cure” it.
But the fact is, this disease has become a weapon to wield over the masses. They don’t want a cure. Having people live in perpetual fear gives them power - with that fake fear they destroyed small business and our election
Covid is real. The hype is a hoax.
If they tested everyone for the rhinovirus in a similar manner, i.e. using the flawed pcr test, requiring tests when hospitalized and adding each positive test as a case even if a person is tested daily, you'd find a staggering amount of cases of rhinovirus. Most people get it almost yearly.
Now, if classified each death where where there were cold symptoms present as a rhinovirus death, millions of people would die from it yearly. There's a reason why they changed how deaths were attributed a year ago. Dying 'with' vs 'from' are two separate things. When a person is dying from a critical disease a simple cold can be more than enough to push the body over that threshold of life to death. The cold killed them by covid standards rather than the underlying disease.
I understand what you are saying and the tests are garbage.
But I have researched it enough to believe it is real, just not as severe as hyped. But it is odd in that it does affect people in different ways. We have close friends were the wife died (no comorbities) but the husband never even got sick, and he has stage 4 cancer. Another family friend who is an ER doctor in Houston is having severe heart issues after having covid, also a healthy guy, no underlying conditions.
I believe we will find out that there is a genetic marker that predisposes one to severe disease, and can be easily treated (as they are finding with certain cancers).
It is too bad that the medical community is so invested in hype and dangerous vaccines than doing genetic studies finding out the real reason a few folks get such a severe case. But of course, a simple solution would not fit the agenda.
No doubt it's real. I have a family full of doctors so I've heard of the rate cases, however I've also heard of rare cases of people dying from the flu and even the cold(although in the cold case they believed an allergic reaction was the real cause).
There are apparently already some genetic markers already identified, such as certain blood types reacting differently, but not sure anything conclusive.
My point was the covid hype is largely a matter of numbers and the framing of those numbers. Unfortunately the narrative is if you question covid you are a denier, which thinking not only goes against science but creates a reality where the best courses of action can't be fully explored.
As I’ve stated a few times on this thread, the hype is the hoax, and is politically driven.
There are some studies on the genetic/blood type connection, like this one. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/10/found-genes-sway-course-coronavirus
Imagine they could find the marker, and the targeted treatment. That would pretty much eliminate the risk, and in effect “cure” it.
But the fact is, this disease has become a weapon to wield over the masses. They don’t want a cure. Having people live in perpetual fear gives them power - with that fake fear they destroyed small business and our election