posted ago by TheGreatAwakened ago by TheGreatAwakened +177 / -4

Okay so to understand multiverses read this ... https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf (we are in the timeline that Q has been posting in thus we are in the timeline/multiverse where we WIN)... Basically there are unlimited timelines/multiverses yet we are getting drops from outside this NOW moment (future) in which we succeed in overcoming DS... Want to know why the deltas and same time as POTUS, scavino, pompeo, musk and others tweets are exact? Because its easy to do from the future when you know the past... Basically we are watching a movie that is NOT alterable... We are doing so with the illusion of free-will (hence the fear)... The timeline we are on is the ONLY one that provides the LEAST RESISTANCE and casualties to the populus... I know least resistance sounds like wishful thinking but think about the alternatives in taking down a cabal of this magnitude...

How can the technology (available now yet even more powerful in the "future") post on our internet "backwards in time" ... Q-bits allow computing on a level that is truly hard to comprehend comparatively to binary computing. Binary is 0 OR 1 while Q-bits allow infinite decimal results between 0 and 1... Think about it... there are truly infinite decimals between 0 and 1 (0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0002 etc) actual infinite options...

Quantum entanglement exists irrespective of time... So one could view or modify any data at any time by establishing a quantum link...

So if Q is giving us the great awakening with ZERO FEAR of the plan being stopped by DS... It is because it CANNOT BE ALTERED...

So lets take a deep breath, stay in gratitude, pray if you want to or just get excited because we have already won and that is a guarantee... Only the most brilliant Anons even know this is HOW the Q works...