MERCK Scraps Vaccine!
Says better to catch the COVID Virus & Recover.
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There is NO SCIENCE in germ theory. Pull your head out of your ass! The scientific method has never proven that any microorganism has ever been pathogenic! Don't believe me? Go ahead and prove me wrong. Guess what, you can't!!! Correlation is not causation. Disease study is a pseudo science perpetuated by Pharma. Not only are vaccines and most medicines unfounded because they are built on a false premise (i.e. germs are pathogenic), they are mostly poison and can only further your illness. "Side effects" are DIRECT EFFECTS of consuming poison.
I am open to this, especially wrt “viruses”. Can you provide any source information and discussion?
Look into terrain theory (or I guess Exosome theory). Modern medicine claims it's debunked (in the way snopes claims things are debunked) but it's a much better explanation than germ theory imo. Basically, bacteria doesn't cause illness, rather it appears where there is illness.
Isn’t terrain theory more like “not always”?
For example, if you are healthy and come into contact with the flu virus, your immune system can easily suppress it and you won’t show symptoms and “get sick”.
But if you do not take care of yourself (overweight, drink, smoke), you are much more likely to get sick if you contract the flu virus.
Not everyone exposed to chickenpox gets chickenpox, but I doubt there are cases of chickenpox that emerge out of nowhere.
That's the idea from my understanding yes. It basically comes down to your immune system which is affected by how well you take care of yourself and environmental factors.