Lin wood on Q?
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it's all about the way he words it,
he 'doesn't know who Q is', which is true.
'I don't know what Qanon stands for, assuming such an organization exists',
which it doesn't, so once again,
he's telling the truth,
but the msm can't see it because they can't 'think logically'.
You don't have to name drop Q to be 100% right, as Lin Wood is showing.
For the record I believe in Q 2 years strong. Just want to see what people think.
You don't have to believe in or follow Q to be an effective soldier fighting evil.
“Have you noticed that the enemy routinely attacks individuals who support President Trump as being QAnon conspiracy theorists? Why? Because it is the favorite accusation de jour to demean and attack the messenger.” -Lin Wood
Honestly, Q is just a perspective on what is happening. Tons of smart, decent folks are at the front line, watching what is happening and trying to describe what they are seeing to the people behind them, this is us. Doesn't mean either is right or wrong. Lin and Q can co-exist without being connected. They are both fighting the same evil. They are both watching the same show. Its just that if you believe Q, he knows the director of the movie.
The danger in all of this is... These people will not stop destroying ANYONE that disagree with their thoughts. And the people that follow this way are next... It's just the nature of the beast.
It is ok that Linwood believes in the Almighty God and he has never investigated Q or Qanon - but they have now come after the Proud Boys after they attacked Q supporters - so anyone that is a Proud Boy or Proud Boy supporter will be attacked - it is ok if you ARE BLM or ANTIFA - but NOT a Q supporter or PROUD BOY supporter
As said before, what is Qanon? Words are chosen.
I believe the power of Q and puppies!
Of course God exists (IMHO). This is an either/or proposition. A Creator either exists, or He does not. Either the universe is a creation by some higher being, or it came into existence randomly and inexplicably. No one can provide proof of either side, so whether you believe God exists or you believe He does not, you are just expressing your un-proveable belief. In any case, the fact that WE exist - that we were either created or we defied the laws of physics and sprung forth from nothing - is absolutely astounding.
As far as God allowing suffering: God gives us free will. Free will allows us to choose poorly and make mistakes. Making mistakes brings consequences. And often those consequences spill over to others who are innocent of our poor choices. Suffering consequences is a requirement from having free will AND for learning to make better choices. If God constantly shielded us from the consequences of our mistakes, we would have no incentive to learn.
I think that SOMETIMES God will step in and handle business. Other times He will nudge us in the right direction. Other times He will leave us to our own decisions. We don't know when he will do what. All we DO know for sure is that in the end, God wins.
I agree with you that we have to take some action. The best we can do is to ask God for guidance and then make the best decisions we can, having faith in His guidance. We should not just sit back and expect God to fix it all without us having to shoulder any of the burden.
True enough. It doesn't seem like it now. BUT in the end, He wins. 100%
Trust does not mean inaction. I can tell you I trust a rickety old wood chair that looks like it will fall apart. However, will you believe me until I put my posterior on that chair? I demonstrate my trust through my action (placing my weight on the chair, in my example). Until I do so, my trust is mere words.
It is important not to conflate trust and inaction. This is true for believers and non believers.
I don't agree at all, but you actually have a reasonable point to consider. However, the "change my mind" attitude nonsense belongs at TDW, not here. This is a forum for rational discussion and debate. We need to remain open nd receptive, not combative. Please and thank you.
Oh, I get your point. Was just saying that the "change my mind" line comes off as aggressive and many will just ignore it instead of actually considering that you have a valid point.
I don’t have to change your mind, because you have lost faith. Not in the plan, but in God. My friend, we all have trials and tribulations to go thru, but we never have more on our plate than we can handle. Please don’t lose your faith.