posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1 +52 / -0

I've followed the US markets since the dotcom bubble. I have qualifications, I've traded for funds - yada yada - etc. I've never seen a market as unstable or illiquid as today... I'm talking NQ and ES futures.

One thing that they are waiting for is the mkts to absolutely shit tank - that way - Trump takes no blame...

Since he came in it's been a one way trip higher and there's no way that Biden, Yellen and Harris have the smarts to deal with a crashing market 1929 style, which is what is coming.... Nothing Can Stop What is Coming.... there's something that no one can stop right there !

Add to that the 3 Gorges Dam "collapsing" - perhaps with a gentle push from here or there... 15% of the entire worlds manufacturing capacity offline - that would MAGA - wouldn't it... a few years of mess - but no one is building anything in China for a long long time.... meanwhile it all comes back into the US - Nothing could stop that once it's in motion....

Take a look at a map where it is.... March April time when the melt starts, pop goes the weazle...

That said - I mean if there's really all these dossiers and files and etc. - why wait ?

But perhaps the sad lefty clowns will serve their purpose as bagmen (or should I say bagthings) and patsies for the ruination of communism once and for all.

One thing I don't really understand is why all the heros like Rudi and Sidney and various others sat on Telegram pumping out garbage all day, it really diminishes them in so many respects.