posted ago by JeanGrey ago by JeanGrey +251 / -5

I don't know where to begin. My story is long and I am writing a book about it just to get it off my chest but God spoke to me in 2012 and 2014 and it changed my life. When I forgave my mom for personal stuff in 2012 I heard an Audible male voice speak "now you understand my daughter." The voice was powerful and a light suddenly filled the room I was in. I fell to my knees so hard I bruised them. Long story short (there is a lot to tell) I was eventually able to have an entire conversation with God himself in 2012. I asked stuff like "why am I so depressed all the time?" "You forgot that I love you" was the response.

I asked about Jesus. "Jesus IS God" was the response.

I had another encounter in 2014. This one was quit bizarre and I hesitate to share all details but God gave me a vision in 2014 and he did show me that he was very angry at the Obama administration. God chose an Image that he presented himself to me as that made total sense to me at the time. Long story short I was given a vision of what I can only describe as what turned out to be the "plandemic". I had no idea what it meant at the time. It was all symbolic. But later on it made sense to me.

The reason I am sharing this is because if it wasn't for God then I don't believe the great awakening would have ever happened at all. So when I see people questioning why "God people" follow Q and Trump so enthusiastically, well that's my own personal reason. I feel extremley blessed to have had those experiences. Anyway God bless you all and God bless President Trump!