I've been in business for 12 years. Indefinite lockdowns, mask mandates, restricted occupancy. I've tried to resist it. The city came to revoke my business license. I have to go to court, with an injunction against doing business. Wife is being asked to leave her nursing job for refusing the vaccine from the big hospital in our area. 4 Kids. Prayers needed.
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It's not legally a vaccine, it's a Gene Therapy
It's not licensed, it's emergency use only
They'd need to provide scientific data to back up their claims
It's totally illegal and immoral to force experimental medical treatment on people.
You can win in court
Start a GOFUNDME page - raise money to fight it.
Will be happy to chip something in - send link
Could go to a class action - start looking for a lawyer, start raising money...
This is a great idea.