It's not me who you should be worried about, it's yourself if you believe in "visions". Watch this video about Doreen Virtue's "vision" and then get back to me about how I need to seek forgiveness:
What are you talking about. "Visions" has nothing to do with my post! Go back and listen to it again, then open your Bible and read Habakkuk 1 and maybe even Exodus 3 (which by the way they are in the old testament). I don't believe that God speaks through visions or object today, that is why we have the Holy Spirit today.
The bible says to confess our sins to God. My sins have already been forgiven when I asked Jesus Christ for salvation. I am always trying to get sin out of my life, but no person can ever get all the sin out of their life. The bible says the thought of foolishness is sin. Everyone has a foolish thought every day.
James 1:14b "but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death".
No one is perfect, i understand that but we are to strive for holiness. It matters what you do with that foolish thought.
Wonderful amazing man. God bless his soul. He might not be here is person but he is here In our heart. Let's help carry the light to the finish GODWINS
Billy Balam was a false prophet who taught lies, and is burning in hell where he belongs. He said that Jews, Muslims, Hindus, were all going to be in heaven. He also taught you had to do works to get to heaven.
Love conquers all my friend. God said you shall not judge. Were to love God and love eachother. God wants surrender obidance and love from us. There r many path an many lesson for all of gods people. God is not a religion we made religion God. Time to build up a new church. Gods children r drawing the blueprints no plz pray and get close to God. Domt wanna arrive at Disneyland and find out its locked for u. Love u
You really need to read the bible. It says to judge righteous judgement. It also says to hate. "Do not I hate them O LORD that hate thee? And am not I grieved with those who rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred. I count them mine enemies."
That's written by the man after Gods own heart, king David. Who also wrote several more Psalms, known as the imprecatory Psalms, where he curses people and asks God to destroy them. Christanity is not a religion of hippies, where we just love and accept everyone, and never pass judgement. I stand in judgement of every faggot that exists, and pray for God to destroy their filthy, AIDS infected bodies, before they can molest more children.
It is not our job to judge, your sins are just as heinous to God as everyone else's. Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". The Bible can not contradict itself, for instance it does not say love they neighbor and hate thy neighbor. God will judge the sins of the world after Jesus' 2nd coming. I agree with you in the fact that we do not have to accept sinners awful heinous sin (and this is the hard part that I even struggle with this), it should all comes back to self reflection. Yes your sin may not be as terrible as Jeffery Epstein or HRC but you and i are still sinners. I believe that God will have a special place in hell for people who are guilty of crimes against children. Pray for God's swift return!
The bible specifically commands us to judge. The entire book of 1Corinthians is about judging a man in the church who is living in fornication with his step mother! And they are commanded to throw him out of the church. I know that I sin every day, but I am still able to judge othere for sins I am not guilty of.
John 7:24 "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.”
Matthew 7:1-2 Jesus said, “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you”
I agree. But Billy Baalam preached a false Gospel, and the bible says if anyone preaches another Gospel than that which he received, let him be accursed. And Billy Boy is burning in hell as a result, where he belongs. I do not fellowship with anyone who preaches a false Gospel, because they are not a brother or sister in Christ.
I do not fellowship with people who talk with hate like they know God and he cant surprise them. I will pray for u but I'm done responding if u wont have heart
Everything God wants us to know is found in the bible. I have read all of it. Several times. And still read it daily. I have a heart, which is why I go out and knock on peoples doors and preach them the Gospel, like Jesus commanded us to do. "Daily in the temple, and in every house, the ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ."
Here is a surprising fact that almost no church will preach today. The bible is a very negative book! It's more negative than positive! The Gospel is the good part, but it is so much more than that. And God is a God of wrath and vengeance, not just a God of love and peace. Read Deuteronomy chapter 28. God lists the blessings and curses that will be upon Israel if they follow his commandment or disobey him. The list of blessings is about 12 verses. The list of curses is about 50 verses.
Challenge accepted but could u guide me to that passage I feel I need to learn from it. If not I might be lead to do it myself later but u would help me alot love u God wins
Leviticus 20:13 (death penalty on sodomites), Deuteronomy 23:17-18 (calls sodomites dogs), Roman's 1 (explains reprobates and a long list of characteristics they will have, beginning with ALL unrighteousness), Jude 1:7 on the sodomites. Psalm 139:21 is what I quoted from Psalms. And the imprecatory Psalms are Psalms 5, 10, 17, 35, 58, 59, 69, 70, 79, 83, 109, 129, 137, and 140. What other scripture would you like?
I'll give you one on judging righteous judgement as well. John 7:24. And the parable Jesus gives about having a beam in your eye, but trying to get the moat out of your brothers eye. Which means dont by a hypocrite. I am not a sodomite, so I have every right to judge them. I am not a false prophet, so I can judge them.
He was a Nazarene, as in he was born in Nazareth. People often mistake this as he had taken a Nazarite vow, where you drink no wine, and don't cut your hair (like Sampson, who was a Nazarite from his mother's womb). Jesus did not have long hair, the bible commands men to have short hair and women to have long hair (which is a covering for them) and says it is a shame if one disobeys this.
I feel sorry for you and will continue to pray for your soul. God open drleomarvins eyes to your truth. Help him to seek truth through your word and prayer Amen.
Billy Graham is a heretic, a charlatan, a WORLDLY man and not a man of God. Stop promoting this garbage.
Wow, i will say a prayer for your soul and hope that when the Holy Spirit reaches out you will respond with asking for forgiveness for your sins!!
It's not me who you should be worried about, it's yourself if you believe in "visions". Watch this video about Doreen Virtue's "vision" and then get back to me about how I need to seek forgiveness:
What are you talking about. "Visions" has nothing to do with my post! Go back and listen to it again, then open your Bible and read Habakkuk 1 and maybe even Exodus 3 (which by the way they are in the old testament). I don't believe that God speaks through visions or object today, that is why we have the Holy Spirit today.
Billy Balam was a deceiver and a false prophet, who is burning in hell where he belongs.
Wow, i will say a prayer for your soul and hope that when the Holy Spirit reaches out you will respond with asking for forgiveness for your sins!!
The bible says to confess our sins to God. My sins have already been forgiven when I asked Jesus Christ for salvation. I am always trying to get sin out of my life, but no person can ever get all the sin out of their life. The bible says the thought of foolishness is sin. Everyone has a foolish thought every day.
James 1:14b "but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death".
No one is perfect, i understand that but we are to strive for holiness. It matters what you do with that foolish thought.
Wonderful amazing man. God bless his soul. He might not be here is person but he is here In our heart. Let's help carry the light to the finish GODWINS
Billy Balam was a false prophet who taught lies, and is burning in hell where he belongs. He said that Jews, Muslims, Hindus, were all going to be in heaven. He also taught you had to do works to get to heaven.
Love conquers all my friend. God said you shall not judge. Were to love God and love eachother. God wants surrender obidance and love from us. There r many path an many lesson for all of gods people. God is not a religion we made religion God. Time to build up a new church. Gods children r drawing the blueprints no plz pray and get close to God. Domt wanna arrive at Disneyland and find out its locked for u. Love u
You really need to read the bible. It says to judge righteous judgement. It also says to hate. "Do not I hate them O LORD that hate thee? And am not I grieved with those who rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred. I count them mine enemies." That's written by the man after Gods own heart, king David. Who also wrote several more Psalms, known as the imprecatory Psalms, where he curses people and asks God to destroy them. Christanity is not a religion of hippies, where we just love and accept everyone, and never pass judgement. I stand in judgement of every faggot that exists, and pray for God to destroy their filthy, AIDS infected bodies, before they can molest more children.
It is not our job to judge, your sins are just as heinous to God as everyone else's. Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". The Bible can not contradict itself, for instance it does not say love they neighbor and hate thy neighbor. God will judge the sins of the world after Jesus' 2nd coming. I agree with you in the fact that we do not have to accept sinners awful heinous sin (and this is the hard part that I even struggle with this), it should all comes back to self reflection. Yes your sin may not be as terrible as Jeffery Epstein or HRC but you and i are still sinners. I believe that God will have a special place in hell for people who are guilty of crimes against children. Pray for God's swift return!
The bible specifically commands us to judge. The entire book of 1Corinthians is about judging a man in the church who is living in fornication with his step mother! And they are commanded to throw him out of the church. I know that I sin every day, but I am still able to judge othere for sins I am not guilty of.
John 7:24 "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.”
Matthew 7:1-2 Jesus said, “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you”
And we all need to read then bible but we should live it I feel we both agree on that
I agree. But Billy Baalam preached a false Gospel, and the bible says if anyone preaches another Gospel than that which he received, let him be accursed. And Billy Boy is burning in hell as a result, where he belongs. I do not fellowship with anyone who preaches a false Gospel, because they are not a brother or sister in Christ.
I do not fellowship with people who talk with hate like they know God and he cant surprise them. I will pray for u but I'm done responding if u wont have heart
Everything God wants us to know is found in the bible. I have read all of it. Several times. And still read it daily. I have a heart, which is why I go out and knock on peoples doors and preach them the Gospel, like Jesus commanded us to do. "Daily in the temple, and in every house, the ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ."
Here is a surprising fact that almost no church will preach today. The bible is a very negative book! It's more negative than positive! The Gospel is the good part, but it is so much more than that. And God is a God of wrath and vengeance, not just a God of love and peace. Read Deuteronomy chapter 28. God lists the blessings and curses that will be upon Israel if they follow his commandment or disobey him. The list of blessings is about 12 verses. The list of curses is about 50 verses.
Challenge accepted but could u guide me to that passage I feel I need to learn from it. If not I might be lead to do it myself later but u would help me alot love u God wins
Leviticus 20:13 (death penalty on sodomites), Deuteronomy 23:17-18 (calls sodomites dogs), Roman's 1 (explains reprobates and a long list of characteristics they will have, beginning with ALL unrighteousness), Jude 1:7 on the sodomites. Psalm 139:21 is what I quoted from Psalms. And the imprecatory Psalms are Psalms 5, 10, 17, 35, 58, 59, 69, 70, 79, 83, 109, 129, 137, and 140. What other scripture would you like?
I'll give you one on judging righteous judgement as well. John 7:24. And the parable Jesus gives about having a beam in your eye, but trying to get the moat out of your brothers eye. Which means dont by a hypocrite. I am not a sodomite, so I have every right to judge them. I am not a false prophet, so I can judge them.
If u follow jesus so much plz remember the words he spoke to father God while on the cross. Not the very last words but close to it.
He was a Nazarene, as in he was born in Nazareth. People often mistake this as he had taken a Nazarite vow, where you drink no wine, and don't cut your hair (like Sampson, who was a Nazarite from his mother's womb). Jesus did not have long hair, the bible commands men to have short hair and women to have long hair (which is a covering for them) and says it is a shame if one disobeys this.
Wow, i will say a prayer for your soul and hope that when the Holy Spirit reaches out you will respond with asking for forgiveness for your sins!!
I feel sorry for you and will continue to pray for your soul. God open drleomarvins eyes to your truth. Help him to seek truth through your word and prayer Amen.
Really? Source? Do you have details on this? I’ve never heard it before.
Nevermind- I did my own research and I definitely see where you’re coming from. Dammit I trusted that guy.