posted ago by UnderRadarWildCamper ago by UnderRadarWildCamper +671 / -1
  1. Anons coordinated to punish Wall Street insiders and that effort can be repeated to drain money and power from these corrupt elites. Huge victory in this war on corruption. Plus they're doing it the anon way, Red-Pilling thousands and thousands of stock traders who knew nothing about our movement.

  2. The phony Biden administration is being forced to do the stupidest moves to let the public know how awful they are. Or they're just awful, but their optics are complete shit. A fearful public is watching, comments sections not going well for Biden's Team, who censor, just like Chy-nah.

  3. Censorship is now rampant and lots of Normies are now getting censored themselves. That's a nice Red Pill. Whatever brings them here to fight along side us with their eyes wide open is alright with me.

  4. No peace, only panic for the DS. Supply of kids to diddle and Adrenochrome spotty if not entirely cut-off. Fear of punishment. Terror that Trump is still out there, still making moves to bring them all to Justice. (He is out there, he will pounce! The suspense is killing them.)

  5. Their strategy of censorship is failing because every time they are able to destroy a platform, we regroup awhile later, strong as ever. We can keep moving and keep the pressure on these kid-f**kers.

  6. Our movement continues to grow via the Streisand Effect, which the DS has yet to understand.

  7. The DS is going down because years ago, when they started texting and emailing, they didn't know that the stuff they were discussing could not be deleted forever, it could be dug up and presented to the public. That's how they got caught. Q said, "We have everything." All we need is patience, and to follow the story, spread the info, welcome and help get the noobs up to speed. It looks dark right now because the MSM still has an audience. Don't listen to them, they're lying to save their necks. But these DS tools in the Corrupt Media will see Justice too. Its all coming together. HOLD THE LINE PATRIOTS! God wins.