The issue is this: why are you so steadfastly adamant to piss on any enthusiasm we're trying to collectively muster amongst some of the most dire circumstances the human race has ever been in? Is there any harm in projecting some tangential positive meaning that may or may not be present in old mate's tie colour, seeing that someone here found an interesting synchronicity that might just be a butterfly effect that keeps a few here still believing that this war can be won? Because a butterfly flapping its wings CAN cause a typhoon on the other side of the world... regardless of whether you can fathom this level of concept or not.
Last time I checked, this site wasn't named doomers.lose or sceptics.doubt - it's right?
Im not talking blind Lemming optimism. I'm talking purposeful, focused positivity and hopeful projection. You may not be aware of this, but not all magic is black and nefarious. There is positive magic that is the breath behind life itself. NOTHING good in human life would exist, if not for the positive manifestations people make first in their head then actualise into the world around them. If you have never experienced it and just write this off as psychobabble, "no worries, mate". Not everyone gets to catch the sublime moments in life that reassure the astute among us that- yes, there is indeed a plan for us and it is good. I believe in living a life projecting optimism, hope, growth and happiness. It has served me very well. As stated earlier however - to each their own.
BTW I'm not one of your downvoters here. Conversely I could not give a flying shit if you are. It's your path through life, digger. Make of it what you will.
Apologies for the slow reply. Have been busy in the real world having a fantastic time with great company. I highly recommend it.
"Dood the tie is not the issue here...."
The issue is this: why are you so steadfastly adamant to piss on any enthusiasm we're trying to collectively muster amongst some of the most dire circumstances the human race has ever been in? Is there any harm in projecting some tangential positive meaning that may or may not be present in old mate's tie colour, seeing that someone here found an interesting synchronicity that might just be a butterfly effect that keeps a few here still believing that this war can be won? Because a butterfly flapping its wings CAN cause a typhoon on the other side of the world... regardless of whether you can fathom this level of concept or not.
Last time I checked, this site wasn't named doomers.lose or sceptics.doubt - it's right?
Im not talking blind Lemming optimism. I'm talking purposeful, focused positivity and hopeful projection. You may not be aware of this, but not all magic is black and nefarious. There is positive magic that is the breath behind life itself. NOTHING good in human life would exist, if not for the positive manifestations people make first in their head then actualise into the world around them. If you have never experienced it and just write this off as psychobabble, "no worries, mate". Not everyone gets to catch the sublime moments in life that reassure the astute among us that- yes, there is indeed a plan for us and it is good. I believe in living a life projecting optimism, hope, growth and happiness. It has served me very well. As stated earlier however - to each their own.
BTW I'm not one of your downvoters here. Conversely I could not give a flying shit if you are. It's your path through life, digger. Make of it what you will.
Apologies for the slow reply. Have been busy in the real world having a fantastic time with great company. I highly recommend it.
Peace, God Bless and May The Kek Be With You.