So, this is from Reddit, a subreddit called Reptiliandude which popped up 4 years ago, in which an individual claiming to be a reptilian auditor from the galactic federation authors posts on their subreddit. I won't go too into detail about it, but...
This was posted nearly a year ago. Since then, reptiliandude has been posting similar things at varying intervals, all of which seem to preface or predate something that later actually happens.
This post is stickied, and I believe I know what it means.
Incapacitation or death shall meet the Stutterer.Joe Biden will die or become incapacitated.
So shall it be that the voices of the deceivers of so great a people shall echo upon a Flowered Hill, and that a one so despised shall once again return.The Elite, who deceived the great people of America, will cry as Trump returns
Derision and hatred shall be heaped upon him as Europa falls upon her own sword.Trump will be blamed while Europe implodes, as he reveals their influence in various nastiness
Thus, shall the Kings of the East rise.
We will see what this means.
Most prophetical type writings tend to be analogous in meaning, like the Bible wouldn't call Biden a "president" he would call him a "king". This post, whatever it is, would be using an analog to indicate that it is talking about the leaders of countries. Xi would be a king, Kim-jung Un would be a king, etc.
So, this is from Reddit, a subreddit called Reptiliandude which popped up 4 years ago, in which an individual claiming to be a reptilian auditor from the galactic federation authors posts on their subreddit. I won't go too into detail about it, but...
This was posted nearly a year ago. Since then, reptiliandude has been posting similar things at varying intervals, all of which seem to preface or predate something that later actually happens.
This post is stickied, and I believe I know what it means.
Incapacitation or death shall meet the Stutterer. Joe Biden will die or become incapacitated.
So shall it be that the voices of the deceivers of so great a people shall echo upon a Flowered Hill, and that a one so despised shall once again return. The Elite, who deceived the great people of America, will cry as Trump returns
Derision and hatred shall be heaped upon him as Europa falls upon her own sword. Trump will be blamed while Europe implodes, as he reveals their influence in various nastiness
Thus, shall the Kings of the East rise. We will see what this means.
China = Kings of the East would be my guess.
middle east has kings
Most prophetical type writings tend to be analogous in meaning, like the Bible wouldn't call Biden a "president" he would call him a "king". This post, whatever it is, would be using an analog to indicate that it is talking about the leaders of countries. Xi would be a king, Kim-jung Un would be a king, etc.
by your own logic it would say stuttering king and despised king. no. i think he’s talking about kings only when he says kings. literally kings