posted ago by notkizzalvin ago by notkizzalvin +21 / -1

Adding that after sending an email to them they finally let the transactions go through. NOK was fine but AMC had risen after the purchase so they charged me the higher price and only let it go through right before a drop. Another email was sent to inform whomever reads it that the Bosses at Stash are having their employees break the law.

Adding some more. Not sure how to post images. Yesterday I got 3 notifications that an account had been unlinked from Stash and that Stash had initiated the unlink. Also yesterday, when trying to purchase certain stock I would get a message that basically said that Stash was overwhelemed due to high traffic, bull. Before close last night I was able to get a few orders in and got the notification that they would happen in the next trading window, today... they are all still pending. Stash is playing the Game just like Robinhood. I can take screen shots but no idea how to post them to this. Have sent Stash an email letting them know a classaction is eminent due to their actions. Much like Robinhood manipulated the market by selling users stock without permission and unlisting certain stock Stash is unlinking linked bank accounts and was down for most of the day.