Things are changing. Judge declares changes in VA election laws ILLEGAL.
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SCOTUS judge Alto, literally a week PRIOR to Nov. 3 elections clearly ruled, in a published opinion, that ONLY the PA state legislature is able to mandate and/or change election rules and laws.
Please remind us how that, in any way, affected PA to piss on the ruling.
WI Supreme court invalidated 200,000 ballots a week PRIOR to Jan. 6 electoral vote count easily handing the state of WI to Trump. The ONLY thing WI state legislature did, with GOP majority mind you, is issue a letter promising they will deal with such issues in future elections. They did not recall their electors for Zhou Bai Den and let fraudulent numbers stand.
CA state judge ruled against Newsom and told him he has no LEGAL authority to force face muzzles and to order business and state closures. Remind me, did anything change?
Stop beleiving in fairy tales. Only because a judge says so, nothing save for serious prison time will stop libtards from doing things their way. You see anyone in prison yet?
We either start playing by the same rules they set, or this entire house of cards is quickly coming down, and hard. If Red Chyna and Russia are not great examples, then I am not sure how else to point out that "being reasonable" does not work for us.
I never post here, but that's beautiful.