I've had the rumblings of a project for a while bouncing around my noggin. I would like to present people with examples of how the media lies to you. How they take clips of video completely out of context and spinning things as something they are not. Examples of blatantly false stories, etc... I want to compile these videos/stories into a nicely organized website that anyone can just shoot a link to their buddy and say, "THIS....is why you can't trust the media any more"
When I was younger. It only took a few of these events to make me begin questioning what I was seeing. As silly as it will seem, it was actually some shoddy "reporting" on a tropical storm that got me questioning things; a reporter standing waist deep in a ditch full of water pretending as if he was in the middle of an intersection and that the streets in this town had been flooded. Another simple example was a politician quoting his opponent... "My opponent says 'We have to raise taxes on the middle class'".... but the media took the clip of his speech, shortening it to "We have to raise taxes on the middle class" and passing it off as if HE originally said it.
Anyways, You get the picture. If you have an examples please pass them along.
Yep, exactly. You get it! I want to start off with some small things....take people on a journey, map it all out to the point that there's no denying they've been lied to for years.... and get them thinking about what else they've been lied to about.