My wife has talked about the three days of darkness (no relation to this book) since before we married ... 16 years ago.... it’s a somewhat Catholic /religious take on the fight for souls on earth where one must stay inside and pray non stop for three days not looking outside or responding to the calls to leave prayer....
It sure if this is helpful but the book title reminded me of these old stories she would tell.
This is exactly what the book is about, 3 days of hell on earth, the judgement of the sinners, the child was a promised sacrifice to satan so a blind demon and it’s hellhound are hunting the child down. I liked knootz’s “the taking” better.
My wife has talked about the three days of darkness (no relation to this book) since before we married ... 16 years ago.... it’s a somewhat Catholic /religious take on the fight for souls on earth where one must stay inside and pray non stop for three days not looking outside or responding to the calls to leave prayer....
It sure if this is helpful but the book title reminded me of these old stories she would tell.
This is exactly what the book is about, 3 days of hell on earth, the judgement of the sinners, the child was a promised sacrifice to satan so a blind demon and it’s hellhound are hunting the child down. I liked knootz’s “the taking” better.
This is fucking creepy read the first page this lady summarizes 3 days of darkness and what happens before 3 quarters of human population wipe out