Sorry, new to posting here. I don’t see an edit button. This is a link to a group on Telegram for those who wish to collaborate and come together to buy up stocks that have been heavily shorted. Just figured I would share it here. Any little bit we can do to expose the deep state and corruption helps.
No need to be sorry, we’re all friends here. I’ve never made a post myself so you’ve made more of an effort than me already and kudos to you for that. There’s just so much going on here every hour of every day that it’s hard to afford time to follow mystery links.
Thanks for the description, ?
Pretty low effort post. Couldn’t you at least describe what the link leads to?
Sorry, new to posting here. I don’t see an edit button. This is a link to a group on Telegram for those who wish to collaborate and come together to buy up stocks that have been heavily shorted. Just figured I would share it here. Any little bit we can do to expose the deep state and corruption helps.
No need to be sorry, we’re all friends here. I’ve never made a post myself so you’ve made more of an effort than me already and kudos to you for that. There’s just so much going on here every hour of every day that it’s hard to afford time to follow mystery links.
Thanks for the description, ?