We certainly will be holding Republicans accountable.
Just not Ted Cruz or anyone else "The Accountability Project" is targetting.
The election fraud was clear. If you're trying to deny it, it doesn't matter what party you're in and it doesn't matter how much you try to gaslight the public: You are the enemy, and you will be defeated with all the rest.
OMG. A Democrat Senator just reserved a vacation property of mine for two weekends AirBNB. He hasn’t confirmed. I gotta take the high road. Darn, it’s too far away for me to go there and plaster it with Trump paraphernalia.
Oh when this finally pops...and we get to see the arrests...I am going to enjoy the tail dragging and dumb founded looks on these asshats as they realize their political careers are done
The only people with a right to hold these representatives accountable are the ones who elected them. Ted Cruz is my senator and only Texas voters should be worried about what he is doing. As far as I can see, he’s done a STELLAR job of standing up for Texas voters and calling out FRAUD and CORRUPTION.
Funny, the RNC keeps emailing me to tell me how we have to stop the left. I keep telling them the party is dead. They are slow to learn. We will teach them. They think we are sheep......we are the lions now. Fuck them all.
Hawley is about to have some bad days on his agenda here in MO. His aspirations to be POTUS are gonna be thwarted. He did it to himself. He's a typical scum bag politician. But not for much longer.
I would call that being OVER THE TARGET.
It’s almost becoming comical.
We certainly will be holding Republicans accountable.
Just not Ted Cruz or anyone else "The Accountability Project" is targetting.
The election fraud was clear. If you're trying to deny it, it doesn't matter what party you're in and it doesn't matter how much you try to gaslight the public: You are the enemy, and you will be defeated with all the rest.
OMG. A Democrat Senator just reserved a vacation property of mine for two weekends AirBNB. He hasn’t confirmed. I gotta take the high road. Darn, it’s too far away for me to go there and plaster it with Trump paraphernalia.
The high road, as in declining the reservation? Or better yet, cancelling at the last minute?
Is the Lincoln Project trying to rebrand after co-founder John Weaver got outed as a gay sex predator?
Oh when this finally pops...and we get to see the arrests...I am going to enjoy the tail dragging and dumb founded looks on these asshats as they realize their political careers are done
The only people with a right to hold these representatives accountable are the ones who elected them. Ted Cruz is my senator and only Texas voters should be worried about what he is doing. As far as I can see, he’s done a STELLAR job of standing up for Texas voters and calling out FRAUD and CORRUPTION.
Falls under the group 'Defending Democracy Together'. https://www.defendingdemocracytogether.org/about-us/
Funny, the RNC keeps emailing me to tell me how we have to stop the left. I keep telling them the party is dead. They are slow to learn. We will teach them. They think we are sheep......we are the lions now. Fuck them all.
Well, we surely will hold them accountable for that!!
“What storm mr President?” “You’ll find out”
Can someone paint out the S if its a regular billboard?
Hawley is about to have some bad days on his agenda here in MO. His aspirations to be POTUS are gonna be thwarted. He did it to himself. He's a typical scum bag politician. But not for much longer.