The article left out the ACTUAL reason this is working: they shorted 140% all the stock that exists. Over the next week, they are FORCED to buy 140% of the stock, no matter the price. Any person that does any reading on gamestop sees this come up early and often in the discussions, I wonder why they left that part out...
The article left out the ACTUAL reason this is working: they shorted 140% all the stock that exists. Over the next week, they are FORCED to buy 140% of the stock, no matter the price. Any person that does any reading on gamestop sees this come up early and often in the discussions, I wonder why they left that part out...
Exactly, I have been trading for years, I want to know who I need to call to shut trading platfotms down when one of my trades go bad.
Evil anti jew racist eco terrorists - don't forget misogynous.
Perhaps the CIA director printing money will be of some use to the middle class in this case