319 Found the lying dog-faced pony soldier Biden rambled out! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by Ampersand2020 4 years ago by Ampersand2020 +319 / -0 14 comments download share 14 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I'll have to circle back on that one...
Circling until I'm dizzy. Reeeeeeeee!
I shouldn't laugh. I did.
my god ... can u imagine having to look at this ds mouthpiece for 4 yrs !
I calls her "Baghdad Bobette"... :)
Fear, afraid the lies aren't working and realization that being the face of the stolen election is hideous to behold.
She is so rough on the eyes.
Shes no soldier but the rest is true.
well it is dog faced all right.....Actually dogs are cute, perhaps pig faced.
Eh, pigs are kinda cute. She's not.
Is she family of 'plastic face' FB Suckerberg? Get rid of the long hair and I can see some similarity. Maybe she's trying to overcompensate for the expressionless?