My kid (25) voted for Qidan. I respected his right to choose. Then he bought GME after following “DeepFuckingValue” on Reddit. He panicked when it dipped and sold 90 of his 100 shares and (only) doubled his investment in a month. He was bummed. He was angered when the powers that be stopped people from buying. First we talked about protecting your capital is the #1 rule. Then we talked about the forces at work and the battle for hearts and minds. He took a few red pills. I explained my red pill was 911. Who bought millions of dollars in puts on the airline stocks the week before? They made billions! Plus the free falling twin towers not to mention the 3rd building (hardened for a nuclear strike) going down several days later. I lost friends over that. They could not stomach the red pill. I asked him if he saw the irony in someone named DeepFuckingValue buying a junk company like GME. The only deep value is knowing a huge short squeeze is coming. Then, I really baked his noodle when I asked him, “who do you threw the billions at GME to force that short squeeze?” That was a killer whale taking out the apex predator sharks (hedge funds). Do the math. No way millions of little guys outgunned the hedge funds. He said wow Dad that’s a lot to think about. Then he said, do you always notice stuff like this? I said, my job is to leave the world a better place then I found it for you and all those I love. So yes, I do.
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The third building went down the same day around 5PM or a few minutes after.
yeah, but it wasn’t on fire, nothing hit it, yet it free fall anyway
It was on fire. A few floors had mysterious office fires for unknown reasons. And then the whole building fell into its own basement. Magic!
i remember that video of the police chick saying “move away! they’re gonna bring the building down!”