I’ve been a Trump supporter since the start, but here in Sweden it carries a social stigma to be vocal about it, and even more so now. Now you are evil, incomprehensibly evil to even say something positive about the man.
Luckily for me I don’t care, I’m self employed and lazy.
For a while I was hesitant to argue with people, because I figured I must have missed some facts, or that my facts were twisted and easily proven wrong. Over time I’ve come to realise that I have facts and they have feelings.
Anytime I let the arguments be about feelings I will lose, anytime I let the argument be about my facts, I will lose, because people just won’t belive me. So how do I win?
The argument must be about their facts.
Example: ”Trump is always lying.” I ask which lie bothers you the most? If it’s a normie with a brain, they go: It’s not a specific lie, it’s that there are som many. And they link to Washington Post. But I won’t let them of the hook, surely with som many lies, there must be one that have really affected you? There isn’t of course.
If the normie lacks a brain, they will say Trump lied about attendance at his inauguration. Why is that important to you I ask. It isn’t, but it is to him. But it’s not Trump harping on about it. It’s the media.
Example: ”Trump really messed up with everything.” I ask, what thing that he did worries you the most? Mostly they say Corona response. Which is ridicolous since I live in Sweden and our government did far less than Trump and still do, but again I ask for specifics. What should he have done? Of course they don’t know.
Example: ”Biden is a much better president.” I inform them about the Executive orders and how damaging they are, so there must be something I missed, I say, which of Biden’s policies do you think will be best?
They don’t even know he has policies. No media here is talking about anything Biden has done, they are still treading water fantasising about what Trump will do next.
But remember the goal is not to win the argument, most likely there won’t even be an argument. The goal is to plant a seed, hopefully a thought will be nourished enough to grow.
The person you argue with may not even be ready, but someone reading it will. If you want to win people over I belive it is important to not lose your cool. Be factual not hurtful.
It’s easier to sympathise with nice people.
Amen. These people are completely brainwashed from the bullshit propaganda. My neighbor is a huge dem and I always ask him for facts and reasons to support his claims and he responds "he's racist, fire the liar, where's his tax returns, where's the evidence, bidens your president get over it" No point in changing his mind. You tell the fly honey is better than shit and they will still flock to the shit.
Calmy press on about his facts, don’t let him change the subject.
You are 100% correct in how to handle them. Staying on topic is very crucial in planting the seeds of truth. Well stated post. You get a golf clap ?